History primer

By bsmith23, in Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Beta

Recommendations for a good history primer and clan background for an aspiring player in my group. I used to have aeg book, but no longer.

That's a very helpful link Manic Modron. In the context of the RPG, where does the Spider clan fit in to all this? Are they antagonists? or did previous editions allow for players play as characters of the spider clan.

Note: I've been holding off reading the 4e books in case FFG pursues a different story direction for the game.

I don’t believe that the believe that Spider Clan appeared in any edition other than 4th Edition.

Here is some Spider Clan info that you may find it useful. However as always there is some knowledgeable members that might help you better.

Hope that it helps.

8 minutes ago, kaosoe said:

I've been holding off reading the 4e books in case FFG pursues a different story direction for the game.

A Wise decision if ever there was one. I'm guessing the PDF will be out on Tuesday or so since that's a week from the initial announcement. I could be totally wrong, but that's my guess.

Reading the backstory of the spider makes me realize how happy I am that the storyline is being reset.

Spider always felt Shoehorned to me. Too much development in too short a time. Plus Shadowlands tainted becoming legit as a GC was against what Rokugan stood for.