Anler times his attack, sensing the falling clone troopers inside the door. When the shooting dies down for a brief moment, he crouches low and scoots inside the door and vaults the makeshift barricades erected by the defending clones. As he does, he manages to swing his lightsaber against the helmet of one of the troopers still standing to defend the left part of the room before his friend realizes what happened. Without looking, he thrusts his saber at the second trooper's chest plate, taking him out of the action as well.
Anler spends a maneuver to get in, another (burning 2 strain) to aim and then attack against the minion group with two.
Attacking group of two troopers
1 success
I forgot the boost from @satkaz
Floating boost
0 successes, 1 advantage
Legendary man, this allows Anler to activate a critical. He does 7 damage, breach 1, and a crit, taking down both troopers.