We'll be berated as fools for volunteering.. or labeled cowards for not.. Let's get this over with!
"Sir! Cyclone Squad will lead the way. Sir!"
We'll be berated as fools for volunteering.. or labeled cowards for not.. Let's get this over with!
"Sir! Cyclone Squad will lead the way. Sir!"
Mynock stares at the extensive assault course. The clone's mind was already examining potential paths and siege tactics, " Impressive " he thought.
Edited by Vergence"Well, this'll be quite the course to go through..." Doc thought as he looked over it. It was quite the challenge. "Might as-Guess Gunslinger's volunteered us. At least we'll get it over with."
This was going to stink, big time
Anler is about to say something to his men to inspire them, but he suddenly feels rather semiconscious in front of all those people. "Cyclone squad, this will be easy for you. Show them how it's done!" is all he manages, silently berating himself. A leader should have something more profound to say.
Edited by KymrelSwapar would watch the jedi with a look of bemusement on his face fore moving to take centre stage. His impressive bulk would dwarf the jedi as he yells at the only decibel he seems to know. 'They nice speech master jedi, very poetic! Alright Cyclone squad, on the line!' Painted on the floor of the room was a thin yellow line, marking the starting point for the exercise. 'There are only two aims for this exercise maggots, set the fastest time and finish this as a squad! If anyone is left behind, that is an automatic fail and you will regret it!'
With that he would move to one side, making space for the squad. He would remove a large metallic horn from his belt, holding it high into the air. 'Alright. Three! Two! One! Go!' The horn would blare loudly for a moment, and the exercise began. It was a simple enough start, a short spring to a low hanging tunnel that seemed to be made of sacking and barbed wire. As the squad ran, the second squad would line up to take their turn. As with previous courses, they were going to be released at regular intervals. This meant if you were two slow you may well end up trampled by the faster squads. Those still waiting in te mean time would cheer and shout on those currently taking part.
Gunslinger leads the way, putting his actions where his mouth had gotten him. "Cyclones lead the way!" he hollers, while he still has the breath for it, breaking into a sprint.
Roller | Edgehawk |
Character | Gunslinger |
Campaign | Cyclone Squad |
Description | Easy Athletics |
Results |
1 success, 1 advantage
[2eP=S/S, A/A] [1eD=F/Th]
Mynock hears Gunslinger call the squad into motion and keeps a running pace by his side. “ Time to show Cyclone squad what what this clone’s made of! ” he thought.
As the clones surge forward, Anler follows them in, easily keeping up with the more athletic and better trained clones.
Slugger takes the rear making sure no one falls behind him else they be too slow for Swapar.
0 successes, 7 advantage
Athletics extra boost
1 success
7 advantage so boosts for everyone!
Doc moves with the rest of the squad. Seems like the previous week's workout did some wonders on his athletic ability, not to mention seeing everyone in top form got him pumped up.
"Let's keep it up, everyone. We'll get through this."
Athletics [Obstacle Course]
2 successes, 1 advantage
Boost Die
0 successes
Forgot the boost die, but it's fine. Using the advantage to give a boost to the next person.
Jackpot dashed forward but stubs his toe and almost trips but regains his balance and keeps pace without any other incident.
As the clones make the dash to the true start of the course, the first obstacle approached them rapidly. It was a simple enough start really. Three narrow tunnels fashioned from cloth and barbed wire had been laid out for the clones to scramble through. The insides of the tunnels were dark due to the cloth covering, but like could be seen at the other end. It wouldn't take long for the cadets and their jedi to crawl through, assuming they were careful.
The build looked rickety at best, and it wouldn't take much for an unfortunate individual to become tangled int he wire. Trying to recover anyone that became trapped would of course cost valuable time for those making the run, so caution was worth considering as well as speed.
Doc hit the tunnels fast, hoping to get through to the other side. Halfway through, Doc suddenly feels something holding him down. A light showed that he'd been dragging a bit of the barbed wire on him. The wire wasn't enough to puncture the armor, but it would take time to get them off.
"Careful, Cyclones, the wire here can get you tangled quite easily if you move too fast. Move slow once you hit the tunnels, you'll be glad you did." Doc said over the comms.
"And now, time to see if I can pull myself out...maybe."
Slugger makes his way through the barbed wire course with ease and doing it quite quickly too. When he gets to the other side he hears Doc's warning over the comms. " Well Doc maybe one of the squad can help free you, I'll wait here for the group to get through... Or Swapar will have all our heads" He replied over the comms whispering the last part.
Gunslinger is in his element, better suited to the twisting and maneuvering, than to powerful displays of physical prowess. Once through, unscathed, he addresses the Squad on their private channel:
"You got this, Doc. Easy does it, I'm waiting here at the end til your out. I can talk you through it. Anyone stuck behind him? Don't try to back out!"
"Slugger. Nicely done. You move pretty fast without that cannon! Scout ahead, and clear any obstacles. Anything you can do, that might make it easier for the rest of us, when we catch up."
Edited by Edgehawk
Anler is grateful to have left his robes behind before the obstacle course. He makes his way through the barbed wire part of the course without problems. "Come on, Cyclones, let's do this," he shouts at the others.
Doc tries to pull himself out by backing up to lessen the pull, then moving forward. It doesn't let him out completely, but the barbed wire isn't quite as tangled as before.
Seeing Doc and Mynoc get stuck in the wires Slugger goes back in to grab Doc first. " I got you Doc. Someone get Mynock so we don't lose time."
With Slugger already assisting Doc, Gunslinger busies himself helping their new squad mate free himself. "Hang in there, Cyclone. Almost there.."
Mynock was keeping pace with Cyclone until he got snagged by barbed wire within a tunnel next to a fellow comrade. He thought " Karabast! This why the Republic uses AT-RTs to avoid this barbed crud! Medic? " as he notices Doc entangled into the barbed wire next to him. Slugger tries to provide some encouraging words on how to escape but the clone seemingly couldn't figure it out. Finally, Gunslinger dragged Mynock lose from the barb wire. " Thank you brother! " he says somewhat embarrassed.
"Thanks, brother," Doc said as Slugger pulled him out of the barbed wire. It must have been tough on Slugger, too. "I owe you one."
"And now looks like we have to make up for lost time." Doc would say after seeing Mynock get pulled out of the tunnel by Gunslinger.
Edited by satkaz
'What are you ladies doing? This isn't a knitting circle! Get a move on! Go, go go!' Swapar would bellow at the clones as they struggle their way out of the wire. After a short sprint they would reach the second obstacle. This time as they ran, one of grid blocks from the floor would spring up, making making a daunting looking wall right in their path. It was going to be a difficult climb up the smooth surface, but it was doable. Maybe if one of them could get a hand to the top they can help pull up the rest of the squad up.
Meanwhile, the second squad were lined up on the starting line, raring to go. 'Three, two, one, go!' Swapar would shout, waving the next squad into the wire.
Edited by RabobankriderDoc tries to get up the wall, but the smooth surface prevents him from getting up to the top.
Gunslinger runs at the corner of the short wall, and tries to use his momentum to carry him up, stemming off the other side.. It almost works, but he doesn't reach the lip. Instead of tumbling to the deck, however, he finds himself landing on Slugger's shoulder.. if he can manage to straighten out, I might just be able to mantle onto the top!
"Stand up!" he manages, standing precariously on one leg, while reaching upward with the opposite arm, scrabbling desperately to keep his balance.. "Cyclones, help him!" With the assistance of his squad mates, the trooper stands tall, allowing the flailing squad leader to grasp the top! Pulling himself up, he lies flat upon the top of the wall, and reaches down to help whoever follows.