Jackpot stops quickly hurrying back to the huddle of clones, "What's our next move, commander?"
Star Wars Clone Wars: Cyclone Squad IC
"We are out of time. We'll go through here, turn right at the junction and assault the HQ head on," Anler says, pointing to the map. "Form up and move out when you're ready."
Slugger formed up with the rest of the group his gun ready for action, " They already know we are here Boys,we are going in hot be prepared for heavy resistance." Slugger begins to run in the direction Anler pointed in leading his brothers to the HQ.
"Aye, Commander." Doc says, readying his blaster carbine.
Still, Anler's comment about his skill lingers with Doc. The Jedi was very annoyed at the mention of his blaster deflection skills...or rather, lack of it. But Doc knew this Jedi was still a kid compared to all the clones around him. And to Doc, it takes some courage to stand up to blaster bolt fire with nothing but a deadly glowstick.
"He'll learn to take a joke soon enough." he thinks. "Right now, though, he's not in good shape. Better if he stayed back for a bit. For both his physical and mental health."
" Stay back and let us take care of this, Commander. You've taken quite a beating, and it wouldn't do much good to have you knocked out again, sir." Doc says to Anler.
Edited by satkazAs the commander made his decision, Acklay squad would glance at each other before Kee steps forwards. 'Alright Acklay, let's do this!' he'd shout as they move to follow the others down the corridor. Cloud would pause, glancing back at his fallen squad mates with a mournful look before following the others.
The journey would only be a few minutes walk, less if they decided to run. A few twists and turns and they would reach the final corner that lead to the command centre door. According the the map, the entrance was right around this bend, most likely along with the final line of defence. Meanwhile the sound of gunfire and shouting was getting louder as the attacking force continued to make good progress. Soon Zombie would be able to support his commander, unfortunately he was driving Drummers retreating force in front of him, and this was not something that the strike team wanted to be caught up by.
Slugger lead the charge to the HQ running down the corridor as time was not on their side. When he came up upon the bend he slowed his Run down to a crawl and peered around the other side. He would see a hastily set up barrier with a a group of five clones behind it. Watching his Brothers and the Commander approach, he out stretched a palm behind him, not using the comm for fear of detection he turned to the squad held his index to his mouth and then held up five fingers.
Stealth Check : 4eA+2eD 3 successes, 1 threat

Here is a handy few images for his hand signals and what the Clones would likely know what they would mean. As for Anler I don't know.
Slugger would give another hand signal to his Clone brothers and Anler before he readied his Rotary Cannon and stepped into the middle of the hallway.
" Martha, would you be so kind and say hello to those Troopers over there?" Slugger said to seemingly no one, the Clones on the other side of the barricade were confused for a second, then Martha said Hello.
Martha unleashed a huge volley of fire as the Clones tried to hide behind the barricade but it was no use, Slugger and Martha destroyed the barricade and downed four troopers in the process. Slugger kept firing providing a suppressing fire for his brothers to hide behind as they began the assault on the HQ.
Ranged Heavy (Sneak Attack) : 2eP+2eA+2eD+1eS 2 successes, 1 threat, 1 Triumph
28 damage and destroys the cover the clones are hiding behind.
Also what Gunner doesn't name their gun in fiction! Slugger is no exception.
Jackpot raises his blaster and fires a bolt straight into the last cadets helmet. "That went quicker then our last fight." Jackpot says, relived that they on't be bogged down once again.
Stun or no, he's gonna feel that when he comes to.. "Jackpot! Nice shot." And.. e xcluding explosives almost seems arbitrary, after witnessing firsthand the havoc Slugger can wreak with that canon! They're going to need a clone army corps of engineers, just to rebuild this facility, before this mission is over... Gunslinger presses forward, through the cluttered wreckage of the inadequate barricade, prepared for whatever comes next.
Edited by EdgehawkWading through the unconscious cadets and the wreckage that was once a barricade the attackers would be able to reach the door with relative ease. That was where the ease ended though. It would seem that one of drummers men was a bit of a technical wizard. The pad that was used to open the door was sparking slightly, but it hadn't simply been smashed, it had been added to. A small metal box had been attached to a number of the cables, and someone had even taken the time to stencil the grinning face of a trandoshan on the front. Kee would lean forwards, glancing at the box. 'Well this looks ominous' he'd grumble.
Doc tried to see what he could do, but a slight shower of sparks gave him second ideas.
Whatever it was, this kind of job was either meant to waste the group...or be a waste of time.
Anler looks at the strange box for a moment and notes Doc's hesitation in trying to disable it. "No more games. If they found something to build some sort of trap, good for them. If the enemy wants to play a game, I'm upping the ante. We don't need the switch if I cut through the door. It's not like they don't know we're here," he says, flicking a switch on the hilt of his lightsaber to take it off the training setting he's been using on the clones.
He activates his lightsaber, but before he plunges it into the door, he puts the palm of his left hand up against the door, reaching out with the force. He can feel the frustration over this last obstacle in their way build up, and rather than stop to calm himself down he uses this frustration to his advantage, allowing it to fuel his use of the Force.
Jackpot picks up a Stun Grenade off of the back of the trooper he shot, "This should be useful." He mutters before resuming a normal voice and replying to Gunslinger, "Thanks." He raises the stun grenade, "Anyone fancy chucking a grenade in on the enemy HQ before Slugger makes the place look like a laser tag fight gone wrong?"
Anler is all business now. "Use what the defenders were using for cover to set up something for you to take cover behind when I've cut through the doors. I want you," he says, indicating Slugger, "to set up in the best position to hose down the room once the doors come down."
He looks at the remainder of his men appraisingly. "There are twelve men in there. I have felt their presence through the Force. And they know we're coming. Ten seem determined to hold, but two might just be running. We need to make this count guys."
"You and you," he says, indicating the Gundark and Lana. "I need you with me, one on each side of the door. I will cut it at an angle so that it won't be possible for the defenders to push it out towards us. When I've cut through, the you two need to push open the door and pull back, allowing our guys in the prepared position to lay down some fire. Once they have laid down some covering fire, the rest of us breach the room, gunning down everybody inside. Does this sound good to you? Are you ready to finish this?"
As the clones get ready, with some set up to provide covering fire and the rest hidden to the side, ready to launch an assault into the HQ, Anler starts cutting through the doors with his lightsaber.
Edited by KymrelData takes a closer look at the door panel as his comraades move into position. "I should be able to open the doors commander. That would give them less of reaction time than cutting it open."
Edited by SterfAnler nods and steps to the side. "In that case, be my guest. Once the rest of you are ready," he replies. He positions himself to the side of the door so that anyone inside the room won't be able to see him and gets ready to storm the room with the others.
Slugger takes the commanders order and sets up a small set of cover himself, mounting his canon Martha on top of the cover to better its aim. " Well if they know we are here Commander I'm gonna have Martha ready for action!" Slugger started the gun spinning it was ready to fire and he was ready to rain H3ll into the doorway as soon as it opened.
Edited by ShlambateReally censor that word?
As the clones get ready, Anler gets to the side of the door, ready to open the door. He counts down from five using the fingers on his left hand before slamming down on the button to open the door and standing well to the side, hopefully out of harm's way.
The metal box would make a loud fizzing noise as a shower of sparks spray out onto the floor. The blast door would slowly slide open to reveal upturned tables and cadets crouching behind blinking consoles. The dull black metal of blasters was pointed outwards, young faces illuminated by the orange lights that surrounded their visors. 'Breach! They're here!' one would shout, and a figure clad in white would spin around to face the entrance.
It was Drummer, helmet on and pistol at his side. He was stood at the far end of the room near to a large glass screen where he had been monitoring, orchestrating his operation. A cadet dressed in the blue and yellow uniform or an engineer, a 'soft shell'.
'No, no it's too soon!' Drummer would growl as he sees the attacker. 'Take them down, take them all down!' he would bellow as he goes to reach for his pistol. 'No quarter is given, no quarter is taken!' The battle cry of Drummers company, already well known on Kamino.
Gunslinger waits tensely, as Data manipulates the door, and the Commander prepares to open it. "Slugger. As soon is it's open, and our guys are clear.. introduce Martha."
17 hours ago, Edgehawk said:Gunslinger waits tensely, as Data manipulates the door, and the Commander prepares to open it. "Slugger. As soon is it's open, and our guys are clear.. introduce Martha."
" Live with Honor! Die with Glory!!" Slugger shouted over Drummers battlecry and the sound of Martha's barrage. The the volley of fire caught two of the Clones on the left side flank who were out of position. The others quickly took cover as the the Rotary canon would provide suppressing fire giving Cyclone Squad an easier time to line up shots at opposing targets.
Ranged Heavy : 2eP+2eA+2eB+2eD+1eS 3 successes, 1 advantage

15 damage and 1 boost to the next PC to go.
Once again, Slugger would tear into the enemy, and once again, this would make him a target. 'Bring him down, bring him down!' one would shout as the team open fires. Bolts of blue flew out of the room and exploded against the hastily erected barricade of Cyclone and Acklay squad.
The precision and control was impressive. These men were likely Drummer's prized squad, as Acklay and Cyclone were to their Jedi Commander, and they were not about to go down easy. The stun rounds would impact heavily on Sluggers armour, giving him a considerable beating. The suppressing fire would even surprise the rest of the attackers, forcing them to duck down to save their skull, and giving their allies a chance to strike.
Squad 2 Combat Check : 3eP+2eA+2eD+1eS 3 successes, 2 advantage
Does 12 base damage to Slugger, advantage spent to give Drummer a boost dice.
Edited by Rabobankrider
Acklay Squad would return fire, gritting their teeth as they braved bobbing up from behind cover. 'Come and get some boys!' Songbird would shout as they attack. The attack was brutal, cutting through the air before impacting against skulls and torsos. It was as if they had their own rotary cannon, the damage was impressive to see.
One poor cadet was knocked off of his feet, another followed him. The rest of the squad hunkered down to save themselves. Songbird would laugh out loud, glancing to those beside him. 'Come on, you want us to have all the fun?' Kee had taken a shot to his shoulder, but seemed unfazed, he barely even registered the injury.
Acklay Squad Combat Check : 3eP+2eA+2eD+1eS 4 successes, 1 threat, 2 Triumph

Does 13 base damage to squad 2, 11 after soak. Triumph spent to upgrade difficulty of enemy, and to upgrade next ally check. Threat adds 1 strain to Acklay squad.
Drummer's reaction to all this would be difficult to gauge under his black and white helmet, but his response was simple enough. Grabbing his pistol he would fire into the chaos with a calm precision. 'Controlled bursts!' he'd command as he brings his wrist to his mouth.
Speaking into the commlink on his wrist, he would make his voice clear for his Jedi attacker to hear. 'Attention all units, the command centre is under attack, all units fall back to defend!' Letting his wrist drop, he would shout over the battlefield. 'It's over commander! You're caught between a rock and a hard place! They'll be here soon!'
His shots would be aimed at Data, his shots doing some damage to the young soldier. Not enough to cut him down, but enough to let him know he was definitely under attack.
Drummer Combat Check : 2eP+1eA+2eD+1eS 2 successes, 1 threat

Does 9 base damage to Data, threat adds 1 strain to drummer.
Doc takes cover as soon as the shots starts flying. For a moment, he tries to pick out a target to hit, but seeing Data get hit by Drummer, Doc decided to aim at Drummer himself.
He takes his time aiming, several shots flying near his helmet. A stream of fire comes out of his blaster carbine and manages to nail Drummer. One stun shot in particular nails Drummer in the head. Not enough to knock him outright, but Doc could tell that Drummer had difficulties aiming down his pistol's sights. He also seemed to be out of it in general, yelling at his troops about the situation.
"Their commander's hit! Cyclones, let's blow them away!" he would yell at the comms.
Ranged Heavy [Firing at Drummer]
1 success, 4 advantage
Doc hits for 6 damage, since Drummer's soak is at 4.
Spending the 3 advantage to crit him, and 1 to give to the next PC.
Critical : 1d100 69
According to cheat sheets, that's Scattered Senses. Seems like Drummer can't get any Boosts until the end of the encounter.