kingdom cards and their resolution...

By Maedhros2, in Age of Conan

Do i have to complete everything possible that the card says to do or, can I decide to just do some parts of the card?

Exemple : a card says: move there, do this and that. Can I decide to do just one or two part of what the card ask?

Thanks again.

Yes. The example in the FAQ mentions Turan's "Nomad Horde" card, and the fact it's not necessary to start an attack with the card if you choose not to fight. Unfortunately, I can't find the FAQ on the support page, or I'd give you the link. It's probably around here somewhere.....


It's listed in the News for Age of Conan (on the Age of Conan main site), though like you say, not under Support.

Yes, but on some cards it is written: YOU MAY (like Nomad Horde ), so I am not obliged...

but what is for cards like Gold from the Sultan ? ( Move 3 emissaries, then place 1 raider token in 3 different provinces containing one of your emissaries ).

There is no YOU MAY in the text, only do this and do that.

In this case I think its neccesary to place down 3 tokens.

Yes, everything depends on the "you may" key words. If they are present then it's not obligatory to do it all.