Noob questions: Joustin Contest, Number of attacking characters per one challenge, Resolving unopposed challenge, Usability of the location cards, Varys

By loverbot, in Rules Questions

Question 1:

I play Joustin Contest as my plot card which says:"Each player cannot declare more than 1 character as an attacker or defender in each challenge."

My understanding (I am first player):

I can declare a MIL challenge with "Bastard in Hiding" (1 att.). Defender can choose his 1 defender. Next, I can declare a INT challenge with "Fiery Followers" (1 att.). And at the end let's say I would be able to use "Vanguard Lancer" to declare a PWR challenge.

Is my understanding correct?

Question 2:

Am I able to declare for example MIL challenge with 2 attackers?

For example let's say "Vanguard Lancer" which has STR +1 and "Rattleshirt's Raiders" which STR is +2. Sum of both total STR is 3.

My understanding: No. As an active player I may declare 3 various challenges with max 1 attacker per challenge (1 character for MIL, 1 character for INT, 1 character for MIL).

Is my understanding correct?

Question 3:

If defender does NOT defend and the challenge is unopposed, the result of the challenge for the winner would be (assume we play MIL challenge):

1. The attacking player gets 1 PWR.

2. Apply claim result: the defending player must kill a number of different characters according to the attackers plot claim value.

Is my understanding correct?

Question 4:

Example: I have marshaled location "The Iron Throne" for 2 golds (cost of the location). Text on card says:"The Iron Throne contributes 8 STR to your total for dominance."

My questions are following:

4.1. Am I able to play this card every round if it's standing?

4.2. If I do, do I have to pay 2 golds every round I want to kneel to use it's ability?

4.3. If player have different locations already in play and they are standing, what do he/she need to do to play them? Just kneel the location at the right time to trigger it's ability, right?

Question 5:

Additional explanation of Varys. What does "each character from play" means? Does it mean that owner of Varys discard Varys and all of the opponent's characters?

The text on Varys card says:" Interrupt: When the dominance phase ends, remove Varys from the game to discard each character from play."

My undestanding: Discard Varys and discard all of opponents characters, including duplicates. Attachments go back to owner's hands, except Terminals.

Is my understanding correct?

Thank you very much for your effort and explanation in advance. I really look forward to play this beautiful and outstanding card game as according to rules as possible but I'm a total beginner.

Best regards!

Edited by loverbot
Question 4, Question 5

1) Yes. If Jousting Contest is revealed, you may only declare a single character as attacker per challenge (and your opponent may only declare a single defender per challenge). When your opponent gets a chance to attack, he'll be under the same restrictions (max 1 declared attacker per challenge), as will you (max 1 declared defender per challenge) The situation you describe is correct. Advanced note: Some card effects will allow characters to participate in a challenge through means *other* than being declared as an attacker/defender (e.g. "Wardens of the North", "Kennel Master", "Dolorous Edd" - to take examples that are not from the core).

2) Under normal circumstances, you may declare any number of attackers provided they are eligible (e.g. are standing, have the right icon). Each character will contribute its STR to the resolution of the challenge; you would add Rattleshirt's Raiders STR to that of the Vanguard Lancer, in your example. If Jousting Contest is revealed, you cannot declare multiple attackers. Either way, you may only initiate each challenge once (but you are not obliged ot initiate all 3 challenges - or any challenges, if you choose not to).

3) Yes. If the attacker wins a challenge, the only "inherent" effects (he might have other effects, like Rattleshirt's Raiders's reaction, that trigger off of winning a challenge) are the unopposed bonus (if there is a total of 0 str on the defending side) and the claim. In a military challenge, the losing player chooses a number of different characters equal to the claim value on the attacking player's plot card and kills them.

4) Nope! We're not on the same page here! Remember this is a location. You would marshal it once for its 2 gold cost, and then it would stay in play from then on (unless another card caused it to leave play) without any form of upkeep. Furthermore, the card says *nothing* about kneeling; you don't need to kneel it for either of its abilities (the additional dom strength or the modifier to reserve), and in fact, even if it were knelt by an opponent (say, Lordsport Shipwright (Core)), it would still contribute both of its effects. Those effects are constant effects, you don't need to "play" the effects. As a direct contrast, see a card like Gates of Winterfell; you pay gold to put it into play, but then you specifically need to kneel it to use its effect.

5) Somewhat. It means that each character (in play) is discarded from play (put in the discard pile). This includes your own characters and your opponents. Note that Varys is not discarded; he is specifically removed from the game in order to pay the cost of the ability and get the effect (mechanically this is so he is harder to recycle back into your deck to re-use repeatedly, with cards like Rebuilding (Core)). To clarify your understanding; a duplicate is not a character (it's just a "second life" if you will for the character its on). When Varys triggers, each character is discarded from play - but a player with a duplicated character could choose to discard the duplicate to save the character, preventing the character from leaving play. Attachments on characters that actually left play would return to their owner's hands, except, as you say, terminal attachments - those would end up in the discard pile.

Edited by -Istaril

Awesome explanations, thank you!

But I have one more additional question of Question 2.

Example: You are active player and declare 2 attackers for MIL challenge. The total STR therefore is a sum of both characters, their attachments (if exists),...

Question: do you have to read and follow both attacking characters texts or only on the character which was selected as first attacker?

You pretty much have to read and follow all character's texts all the time (while they're in play).

So, for instance, if Tyrion and Cersei start an intrigue challenge, you'll get to use Tyrion's "Stealth" keyword, initiate his reaction to initiating an intrigue challenge (gaining 2 gold), and, if Cersei is still around when you win and apply claim, you'll have her increase to your claim too.

However, if you were to launch that same challenge with just Cersei, Tyrion could *still* trigger his reaction (he only cares that an intrigue was initiated, not whether he participated, or even who started the intrigue), but since he's not part of the challenge his "stealth" keyword and STR wouldn't matter.

Thank you very much -Istaril for those explanations which are exceptional!

Now me and my friends are finally able to play the game without many unimportant interruptions.