Release date?

By darklament, in Battles of Napoleon

Any idea at all?

How about tomorrow? :)

i've been waiting a long time for a descent Napoleonic boardgame with miniatures & not cardboard chits. I am all over this.


According to the site, it says Spring 2010 and that it is still being printed.

Looks like an early Summer release - maybe Origins, I just hope it is out before Gen Con Indy. But this has been a pattern with FFG to release games at Cons so they get full price for them.

And i wonder if they are trying to get this out before GMT games Command & Colours Napoleonics by Richerd Borg hits the shelves.

I have to say - this boardgame looks a lot prettier. The GMT game is going to have wooden block (like Ancients) instead of miniatures.

Here's hoping for Spring...


Lads, I cannot wait for this game!

Maybe that the game system will be easily customizable for others times of strife(medieval, ancients, etc).

Maedhros said:

Lads, I cannot wait for this game!

Maybe that the game system will be easily customizable for others times of strife(medieval, ancients, etc).

Me neither! I need this game!

This game looks awsome, I hope it gets the same kind of support with future releases & expansions as other FFG games have recieved.

I always thought it was a shame that BattleCry never recieved any kind of support, although this game looks like a vast improvement on that system.

This one is a "must have" for me! Great to see it nearing completion! aplauso.gif

If it's still a few months off release, that'll give me time to save up for it!
Still, if there's a Richard Borg Napoleonic game coming out ...

WOW... i think i should start to save money for that game! Looks great!!! I surly will buy it!


I had heard elsewhere that this is due to be on the shelves very soon; I would not be surprised to see it by end of March.

darklament said:

And i wonder if they are trying to get this out before GMT games Command & Colours Napoleonics by Richerd Borg hits the shelves.

I have to say - this boardgame looks a lot prettier. The GMT game is going to have wooden block (like Ancients) instead of miniatures.

Here's hoping for Spring...


GMT Games just recently said they have not yet given C&C: Napoleonics a production slot this year, but it has already exceeded its P-500 number by a long ways currently at 933 pre-orders. Right now, their artists are still working on all the art for the game (per GMT's Feb. 9 update). Full retail for GMT's game is $70, btw.

I too am looking forward to this game! Gonna be SWEET!

Ohhh Yeah! My eyes went wide and the heart started to thump!

Likewise I liked Battle Cry and thought they could have done more with that. This however has unlimited potential if anyone is familiar with the period and scope of actions...did I hear someone thinking....Campaign System!!! :-)

Money saving in secret account begins!

Torbal said:

I had heard elsewhere that this is due to be on the shelves very soon; I would not be surprised to see it by end of March.

That would be wonderful. FFG is sucking my wallet dry.

concerning their website

" later then the end March/early April"