Wanting to Play!

By terryfuller, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

Hello, Everyone!

I have a question for the assembly: how do I get deeply into playing Netrunner online?

I live in Downtown Dallas, Texas, and we truly lack a meta-culture. A few guys gather at a card shop thirty-minutes north of here to play on the weekends, but I have a full-time job and wife that occupy my Saturdays.

I truly wish, especially every time I make it into a game store, that FFG and Asmodee would create apps and video game console versions of their games so that people with my lifestyle could share the experience. I go to video game stores and see endless shelves of shooting-the-alien games for Playstation. I go to the App store and see endless slides of strange-looking, simple games.

How would you all suggest that I get in on the action? Thank you!

Sadly FFG doesn't provide an online service. They are, very slowly, getting into the digital realm, so maybe someday. With that said, please continue to support the paper game so this game doesn't disappear. Jinteki.net is where the online games happen.

Check out Elder Sign if you want a fun app based on a FFG game.

My opinion is that playing Netrunner digital (through an app, tabletop simulator or whatever) would not be sharing the same experience as playing with the cards in hand against an opponent across the table.

Perhaps getting the wife and/or friends to enjoy the game with you is an option.

If you're looking to buy a collection, I just put mine up for sale. Playing with physical cards feels very different than playing online and you learn a bit more of the nuance.

jnet is fantastic for casual games, and very decent for refining more competitive decks, but if you want to dive deeply and compete for real, you'll have to do that in person with real cards.