Nerekhall Hexer

By Vineheart01, in Runewars List Building

There are some Daqan commands which are just all around nasty (lance corporal, weapons master, aggressive cornicen) and others which are situationaly awesome (greyhaven channeller, banners, and the relic bearer), but the rest are pretty much ignored.

Unstable Geomancers will probably pop up with the Scouts alot since they can pop up safely away from our units but in danger-zone of the enemy units.
The other wizard model, though, is the Nerekhall Hexer[7], which is an action that causes an enemy unit at range 1-3 in LoS to take a severity [Nature rune] test. This is the one i want to mess around with.

--Greyhaven Channeller[6]
--Aggressive Cornicen[5]

--Nerekhall Hexer[7]
--Aggressive Cornicen[5]

--Nerekhall Hexer[7]
--Aggressive Cornicen[5]

--Shield of Margath[6]
--Might of Daqan[4]

Rune Golemsx2[28]
--Tempered Steel[3]

Total: 200pts

The Greyhaven is used to better secure the nature runes. The idea is to have them constantly Marching with their White Skill dialed up (or Armor for the greyhaven unit), enabling them to engage normally via the Cornicen and just spam the crap out of morale tests, possibly multiples per turn since the Hexer makes no mention about combat (March, engage via Cornicen, attack which causes a test, then Skill for another test)
Golems are a distraction/speedbump. I prefer Windrunes on them, but no points. Tempered Steel is good enough since it gives them a surge use (and i somehow ALWAYS ROLL SURGES!)
Hawthorn(s) does Hawthorn(s) things, being an inspiration battery and yelling "HIT ME I DARE YOU!" as well as reforming the golems to a 1x2 (narrowing their LoS blocking and giving them a reroll)

Causes a ton of morale tests
Majority of army is independent of the Charge modifier
5 activations
Sniping one character doesnt make the unit useless (take out my cornicen i'll just bump into you normally and still cause a morale test, or take out my wizard i'll just charge you with bonus armor)
Golems are cool

3 command boxes (which i dont see being very valuable outside this idea)
Wizards are expensive
Morale tests are fickle and could end up doing jack squat
Inability to do anything to improve survivability since 4 trays is bad for Shield Wall and Visor'd Helms is way too expensive

I want to try this though, however i may just proxy the third command units. Two command units are very nice to have but 3? doubt i'll find many uses for that.
Alternate idea: drop the golem to a single tray, giving me 14pts to put equipments on the 3 spearmen units. Only issue with this is a single tray of golems isnt that tough to remove and it doesnt do any damage barring REALLY good luck. I cant risk using the Greyhaven to keep their runes active since i need him to keep the Nature runes going

Edited by Vineheart01

Interesting idea. I dont think it has enough teeth to seriously handle most lists, but 2 units plus a hard hitter like oathsworn could be very interesting.

The usual 6tray oaths does fit if you cut the greyhaven unit and golems, also gives the 2 with the Hexers Tempered Steel.

That seems more plausible, since i dont need a third command. Problem with that one being a 3wide cavalry would block a lot of LOS and i have no rune control anymore. However i just dont see 1 hexer being valid, so i'd rather have 2 hexers and no greyhaven than 1ea.

Geomancers are excellent btw, especially when people are loving their death stars, usually you get 2-3 'pops'.

The hexer is definitely something I've also been considering, morale can be potent.

My main issue with the Geomancer wasnt its potency, but its friendly fire problem.

Unless its a fast, flanking unit or Scouts its going to be difficult to get it off and not nuke half your list.

Could mitigate that by taking small units but spearmen need a 2x2 to take champions, which autokills one of the trays unless you had a flat armor bonus go off before the geomancer did. Its not an attack, so you cant shield wall it or benefit from Fortified/Cover.

I liked the idea of the Hexer but didnt see much potential in 1 of them, especially since it kicks the Greyhaven, Weapons Master, and Lance Corp out of the unit. But i think 2-3 of them would be a real problem (imagine how hilarious it would be to cause the target unit to spin around before they charged....)