Planet type+tech specialty icons very easy to confuse

By MrBody, in Twilight Imperium

They have red/blue/green vague symbols to denote planet type yet also use the same colors (with different, but still vague symbols) for planet tech specialty. The only real way to easily tell them apart is the planet type symbol is next to the planet name while tech symbol is next to the resource value. They really should have made it clearer. Either use different colors, have a colored letter 'T' for tech specialty, or something. Instead of colored symbols for planet type, use a picture of a factory for industrial, a city for culture, and a volcano for hazardous.

Constantly running into confusion with new players thinking the planet type icon is a tech specialty. It would be a welcome improvement if any eventual reprint addresses this.

Edited by GrooveChamp

Couldn't agree more. It was very confusing for the new players I taught over the weekend. I wish they had either gone with different colors, or used clearer symbols.

I mean, the red tech symbol on all the red tech cards in their hands match up with the red tech symbols on the map. It does't look anything at all like the red planet symbol except they are both red. What other kinds of symbols could they of used if the ones they are using are different than the tech symbols?

They could have used different colors, for starters. As far as symbols, something more concrete (like an obvious factory, hazard symbol, and a cityscape would have worked). I mean, it's fine once you explain what's what to the newbies, but going at least with different colors could have saved a lot of confusion.

Orange for Hazardous, White for Industrial, and Purple for Cultural. Could keep the same symbols, just switch the color.

Yeah symbols with some relevance rather than arbitrary ones.

Who the heck goes by shape for tech icons rather than color? Just imagine explaining that to new player.

"Okay there's double triangle, circle with triangles, computer mouse with triangles for buttons, and capsule pill. Don't get those mixed up with the circle with smaller triangles, circle with a circle, and halo tiara even if they're all the same colors right next to each other."

"What means 'industrial' again?"

"THE GREEN DOUBLE CIRCLE! OH MY GOD IT'S SO OBVIOUS! This is why we never invited you to play TI3, Frank!"