Would you have liked having ship lengths updated?

By Agrivar, in Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game 30th Anniversary Edition

Over the years, the accuracy of some of the ship lengths given by West End Games in their RPG-line have been discussed to death [star]. The Millenium Falcon seemed to be too small (26 meters), the length given for the Executor (five times the length of an Imperial -class destroyer) didn't seem to match the dimensions of the film model, and even the A-wing and TIE fighter lengths were a bit suspect.

When the starships and starfighters of the original trilogy started to be converted to CGI models, some of the measurements discussions were put to rest. The current Millenium Falcon lenght is about 34 meters, the Executor 's length is 19 km, and even the measurements for the X-wing, Y-wing and TIE Fighter were slightly tweaked in the "Rogue One Visual Guide".

I ask this question just to known which is the general mindset about an hypothetical update of the starship lengths given in the "Star Wars Sourcebook" reprint to match the current lengths. I'm not suggesting that FFG might do that (I do not think this idea has even crossed their minds), but I'm curious about to know, if you received an "Star Wars Sourcebook 30th Anniversary" which it is exactly identical to the original book, but with the starship lengths showing the current measurements, what would you think about that change? Would you get angry because changing the original text seems to be disrespectful to the work of the original writers? Would you be fine with that because it seems a change that, if WEG could have implemented it, they would have done it? Keep in mind that I'm only talking about changing the original length of half a dozen ships, not about updating the lore to the current one or anything like that. I want my West End Games' A-wings keep being a post-Yavin personal project of General Dodonna and Walex Blissex, not a Kuat Drive Yards starfighter used in the early days of the Rebellion!

I don’t feel strongly about it either way, as long as it’s at least noted what the original publication says, and as long as the “current lengths” use the definitive Legends info, not anything after the reboot.