Thinking about Drokkatta

By Deadwolf, in Imperial Assault Campaign

A lot of people (including myself) were not super impressed with Drokatta after that campaign preview article but I've been thinking about the wookie lately, and I actually think it has a lot of potential. As a ranged multi-target damage dealer it is competing with Fenn and Vinto and while it looks like it may not be as well rounded as those 2, based on what we've seen so far, I think it can match or even beat them for aoe/multi target damage.

Demolish: Doing 1 damage to a space and all adjacent spaces without an action is quite good, but what make this really strong is that is can be used during any hero's activation. If another hero takes a shot at an enemy and leaves it at 1 damage, you can demolish during their turn, taking out the enemy before the Imperial takes his turn.
It is also strong because it is repeatable within the same round. Yes, only once per activation, but you can do it on multiple activations. You could in theory, use Demolish on both Hero A & B's turn, take your turn, rest, demolish again, and then for a fourth time on Hero D's turn. I'm not saying you would do this regularly, but the potential damage is high.
Placing the rubble token, also has a strategic element as I am assuming it makes the space difficult terrain, tho if you are not careful, you can hinder your own party.
Overall, I think this is a very powerful ability.

Dispersal Shot: This is a strong secondary ability because it can be used while attacking rather than having to be declared beforehand. It has strong synergy with multi-target weapons such as the Repeater.

Charging Up: +2 HP & +1 damage per turn is really good value for only 1 xp. The damage tokens will be strong with multi-target weapons like the Repeater Cannon as it can help get the damage required for your blast surges to go off.

Repeater Cannon: People are discounting this weapon because it only has 2 die, or that it is only Tier 2 equivalent, but that is a mistake. Tier 2 weapons with 2 good mods do Tier 3 levels of damage, and with spread barrel & tac display, this is no exception. Sure, Pulse Cannon/Valken-38 + mod do more single target damage, but the damage is still respectable.
But where is weapon really shines is in its multi-target damage potential, which is unmatched by anything currently existing. The blast 1, the incredible double surge ability, and the 2 mod slots all contribute to strong multi-target damage. The double surge ability is particularly powerful, because unlike blast, it will be hard to play around, it also damages the defender, and if I am not mistaken, it does not require damage to the defender to take effect.
This weapon also becomes even crazier if you can get surges from outside sources such as Dispersal Shot, Ko-Tun's tokens, Saska's Device Tokens, etc. Overall, this is a powerful weapon for Drokkatta and should not be skipped.

Shrapnel Rounds: Shrapnel Rounds is a strong mod and works really well with the Repeater Cannon, tho you are sacrificing single target damage for multi-target damage. With what we know now, this is good but not must have, tho that will change if Drokkatta has another card which gives blast 1.

Wookie Wrath: A free red die of damage is good and the forced movement is situationally useful. But the adjacent restriction is a fairly anti-synergistic since blast and demolish affect friendly targets, and 4 xp is a bit pricey.

Overall, I am cautiously optimistic that we have a strong hero here, but it will still depend on some unknown factors. Most importantly, if Drokkatta's other 4xp skill is not strong, then the wookie will find itself in a similar boat as Biv. Also, both Fenn and Vinto have a skill that helps with single target dmg, if Wookie Wrath is the only single dmg card Drokkatta has, then it will really struggle vs high hp targets. And finally, if Drokkatta has no way to increase its endurance, then it may also struggle for strain, but if it doesn't need strain for anything other than Demolish/movement then it may not be too bad. It's starting weapon is also not very good, but that isn't a huge deal to me.

I am pretty excited for all 3 new heroes as they are all fairly unique and fill good niches.

Wow, I didn't realize that Demolish could be used during other activations. Not sure if that's intended or not. The way it's worded, you could use it during a hostile figure's activation too, and I'm pretty sure that's not the intent.

The only thing that would make me think that you cannot use Demolish during an imperial activation is the fact that the word interrupt is not in the text. But im not 100% sure on that.

Edited by Deadwolf
24 minutes ago, Deadwolf said:

The only thing that would make me think that you cannot use Demolish during an imperial activation is the fact that the word interrupt is not in the text.

Interrupt pauses "the current game action" (RRG's words) so I'm pretty sure it's doesn't apply; if it did it would be required for allies as well. I believe that means it's really only applicable if the trigger is something like "when an attack is declared" like Jyn's Quick Draw, as opposed to "During your activation" which is a trigger time between processes (for lack of a better word). In other words, Interrupt means that you're doing something during a process that would ordinarily need to be completed before you could do something.

While I agree with you on Wookiee Wrath I think what will make it useful (though still not worth 4XP) would be the "push up to two spaces" effect. The most effective strategy against Drokkatta may end up being to be to get in close to the rebels. With Shrapnel Rounds adding an auto Blast 1 to every attack, the surge for Blast 1 on both weapons, and Demolish, Wookiee Wrath could potentially prevent a lot of friendly fire. The double surge ability on the repeater is hostile figures only though, even so it's what makes rushing a good IP strategy because you want to minimize the Blasts added to it.

Edited by Uninvited Guest

I guess Wookie Wrath isnt completely antisynergistic because of the push. Move adjacent, Wrath, push, then attack. You could also push the unit adjacent to other units setting up a demolish/blast scenario. But it still feels like it should be 3 xp.

There will likely only be enough room in the build for 1 - 4xp skill. So I suppose we will see how it compares to the other one.

Are you sure that the limit once per activation isn't there so he can't demolish 4 times on his turn, what tips you off that you can use this card during other activations?

16 minutes ago, polkfang said:

Are you sure that the limit once per activation isn't there so he can't demolish 4 times on his turn, what tips you off that you can use this card during other activations?

Because strain abilities can be used whenever unless there is a restriction (Like Saska or KoTun's ability) and nothing limits it to only his activation. Its very similar to Verena's ability.

That said, in my campaign, i tended to use it mostly on his activation and I once I got Thermal Grenade, i rarely used it more than once per round.

Edited by Deadwolf
7 minutes ago, polkfang said:

Are you sure that the limit once per activation isn't there so he can't demolish 4 times on his turn, what tips you off that you can use this card during other activations?

Most abilities give a timing for use. Off hand I recall a ruling from FFG on the Environmental Hazard Suits second ability, deplete to recover 5 health, that stated it could be used to prevent wounding from an attack.

Something I was thinking about the other day, was that I think you could make a pretty decent single target damage build with Chargin Up, Thermal Grenade, Wookie Wrath, and Structural Exploitation and still have some multi damage with Demolish & Thermal. Maybe not in HotE, but in any of the other full campaigns.

Hey guys, I was wondering this exact question and now have an official response from ffg incase you weren't aware. They said
"Drokkatta's Demolish ability is unfortunately missing some necessary timing text and will be receiving errata in the next FAQ. Demolish should begin with "Use during your activation."

Edited by gmaecrawler