Beggar King and Cursed Objects

By Jenna, in Talisman

Hi everyone,

We're having a rule dispute. We'd appreciate some help.

If you encounter the Beggar King and get the result that says, "All other Characters must give you 1 of their Objects," can a player choose to give you a Cursed Object, even if they have non-Cursed Objects?

20 hours ago, Jenna said:

Hi everyone,

We're having a rule dispute. We'd appreciate some help.

If you encounter the Beggar King and get the result that says, "All other Characters must give you 1 of their Objects," can a player choose to give you a Cursed Object, even if they have non-Cursed Objects?

The rules state -

Cursed Objects and Followers must be taken by a character encountering them, and cannot be ditched.

Cursed Objects and Followers may be discarded, stolen and sold as normal.

So, the only stipulation is that you cannot ditch them (i.e. drop them).

Edited by talismanisland

Yes. Cursed objects just cannot be ditched.

Arnkell can ditch followers right by teleporting you away?