refractor field, rosarius, armour and douse flame questions

By Mrakvampire, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions


I have a couple of questions today :-)

1. Rosarius / Refractor Field stack with actual armour? For example if my super-cool inquisitor with rosarius is hit by autocannon shot, he will first reduce damage by 2d10 (rosarius) and then reduce it with his power armour (AP 8)? How do the rules of penetration work in such situations?

2. Douse Flames psychic power automatically negates all psychic powers that create fire (Fire Storm, Holocaust, etc)?

Thank you for you help in advance!

1: Personal force fields do not add armor points, and so they are not armor. They specifically state that they reduce incoming damage. So, yes, they do stack with armor. Additionally, penetration would not have an effect against them.

2: You're going to have to make your own call on that one, the RAW is pretty ambiguous. I for one, would have the two psykers make an opposed WP test to see if the flame continues to function.

(Another not: I would not allow Holocaust to be extinguished. It is FAR too powerful a technique to be countered in such a manner.)

Gotta agree with Crow on the Holocaust power. That power made it's first appearance in the 40K universe as an "Inquisitor and Librarian Only" type. This is to say it was far too powerful for even Sanctioned Imperial Guard battle-psykers to even attempt. Only the strongest psyker-Inquisitors and Space Marine Librarians stood a chance of unleashing this literal hellstorm. Even these worthies ran the risk of incinerating themselves with every manifestation of the Holocaust power: They literally had to soak their own damage! It also had a substantial area of effect.. When this power was up a 3" radius template was placed over the manifesting model and MOVED with the model! (This is the same area as an Eldar Farseer's manifestation of Psychic Storm, though the Farseer was not required to place the storm on top of himself.)

Not at all on the same level as putting out a campfire or cigarette.