Will there be decks like this for Genesys?

By dresdinseven, in Star Wars Roleplaying Specialization and Adversary Decks

I know this may be a little off topic, but I was wondering if generic bad guys and such will be made for the new Genesys line.

I absolutely love the decks, especially how they allow me to pull stat-blocks on the fly. It's pretty much what allows me to GM, since enemy statting is one of my blind spots. Whatever I need, just pull it from one of the decks, modify it a little, and throw it at the players.

So I hope that since Genesys is the generic version of SW:RPG, that my current card will transition over without too much fuss and that other "genre" bad guy packs will come along as well.

I'm hoping/imagining that it'll be easy enough to just swap a weapon or some flavor text. Like a bunch of thugs might have Holdout Blasters in this game and you'd just swap that weapon for short bows or Glocks or blowguns or Low-Power Molecular Disruption Emitters or whatever to match your game world in Genesys.

Equipment cards like they do for Pathfinder?