Scenerio Description help

By Scottydoo32, in Doom

Hey there guys,

I recently purchased this game and really enjoy it so, i had starting on creating my own scenerio and i have the map all done out.

But i wanted to know if there was a way to get a program with the same layout for the descriptions of each senerio and area like in the manual that comes with the game?

Thanks alot for any help i really appreciate it

Check out the TileSystem, it has a way of entering in Area info and exporting the images. Works pretty well, you can find it in the files section over on


Does it really. oh wow i was using that to make my map guess i didnt know where to look. Thanks though

I *think* it does. It does at least for the Doom maps. I've never created one for Descent with the TileSystem. Look at the help file and in the File menu, there should be an Export option or something like it.
