How many core boxes do I need?

By DerBaer, in Star Wars: Legion

5 hours ago, DerBaer said:

I'm one of those stupid guys, that bought 4 cores of IA. And it was a really good deal, when the game was released.

I quit over that. I can admit when I'm wrong, though. I'm back, but no multiple cores.

Getting two cores of Legion for a couple of reasons. I want to field a legion. I might need practice troopers if I keep putting off learning to paint...or I might want some fancy storm troopers and some biz-cas storm troopers.

Couldn't you and your friend buy 1 core set each, and then your friend takes the Rebels and you take Imperials? Or other way around. Seems like the cheapest way to start. Dice situation won't be solved though.

15 minutes ago, Tbetts94 said:

Couldn't you and your friend buy 1 core set each, and then your friend takes the Rebels and you take Imperials?

Sure, if you only want the one faction, that's the best way to do it. Everyone gets a set of everything but doesn't have models they don't actually want.

Myself I tend to sponsor other people by buying two or more factions and letting them use my stuff. That's especially true for a game like Legion, because I enjoy the hobby side of things so I'd actually want to paint all those models.

9 hours ago, Heilbuth said:

Sound like the launch might be different from Runewars.

He basically says that they want people to be able to buy entire armies right from the start.

If this is true, I might actually stick to a single core set!

I'm hanging onto the bit about expanding into other eras. Clone Wars stuff does exist now, and even though smaller scale minis would be more epic for the Star Wars conflict best suited for a minis game(I can't believe I'm saying all this), Skirmish/Platoon level play would be great, too.

Still getting two cores.

15 hours ago, Ravncat said:

But, 2 cores is also extra tokens, range rulers, movement templates, barricades and dice.

Ive never seen a non stand alone FFG game that didn't benefit from 2 cores o top of wave 1 expansion.

Game of thrones, Netrunner, Star Wars LCG, x wing, armada...

Imperial assault is the only one I've gone with dice over a second core, but I don't play it much.

Armada is actually a pretty bad double box buy even from the start.

Assuming you want at least 1 of each expansion for unique stuff, having a double core would give you 3 VSD and 3 Nebs. That's not really needed. Sure, the Corvette can be used in swarms but it's a better buy to get the expansion version. As for the fighters, well, I've never seen anyone in need of more than 8 basic TIEs or 6 basic Xs. Most people pick up two packs of fighters so that's 10 and 8 at that point. Having 16 Ties and 12 Xs is comical overkill. The second core of armada is basically a corvette, a set of dice and a range ruler all of which is much cheaper by itself than in the core.

That's why I say wait to make a decision for Legion until you at least see the Wave 1 releases and get more details about the game. 2 at most, but you may find a lot of waste pretty quickly when you double up on Vader/Luke and stop fielding waves of basic troops after Wave 1.

Keep in mind that the expansion boxes will come with unique cards not in the core set. You'll want to buy those expansions for that reason. You may find the extras from a second core as useful as two Vaders.

17 hours ago, kmanweiss said:

Armada is actually a pretty bad double box buy even from the start.

Assuming you want at least 1 of each expansion for unique stuff, having a double core would give you 3 VSD and 3 Nebs. That's not really needed. Sure, the Corvette can be used in swarms but it's a better buy to get the expansion version. As for the fighters, well, I've never seen anyone in need of more than 8 basic TIEs or 6 basic Xs. Most people pick up two packs of fighters so that's 10 and 8 at that point. Having 16 Ties and 12 Xs is comical overkill. The second core of armada is basically a corvette, a set of dice and a range ruler all of which is much cheaper by itself than in the core.

That's why I say wait to make a decision for Legion until you at least see the Wave 1 releases and get more details about the game. 2 at most, but you may find a lot of waste pretty quickly when you double up on Vader/Luke and stop fielding waves of basic troops after Wave 1.

I would agree with that now for new players - since there's a variety in existence - but at the time, it was the only way to play a full game, as there weren't enough expansions - and then considering how much we ran triple vic - something we sometimes still play, the second set of movement tools and dice - i think we've gotten enough value out of it. Legion wave 1 date will definitely answer for us, though - part of me thinks having all the extra supplemental things - tokens, backup cards, a spare vader (this would be my first time painting!) that it may be a good value for me anyway.

3 hours ago, Ravncat said:

I would agree with that now for new players - since there's a variety in existence - but at the time, it was the only way to play a full game, as there weren't enough expansions - and then considering how much we ran triple vic - something we sometimes still play, the second set of movement tools and dice - i think we've gotten enough value out of it. Legion wave 1 date will definitely answer for us, though - part of me thinks having all the extra supplemental things - tokens, backup cards, a spare vader (this would be my first time painting!) that it may be a good value for me anyway.

There was literally a month and a half between the core and Wave 1. It was a bad buy at release as in less than two months you have at least $60 worth of plastic sitting around doing nothing but gathering dust. Don't get me wrong, I get the urge and the desire to play right out of the box...but realistically, it was a bad call.

Backup cards is pretty week. Do you really damage or lose a lot of cards? Beyond that, you could always claim a damaged card and get a replacement for free I'd guess. For FFG games I tend to have more than enough tokens, in fact I have all sorts of baggies of spare tokens.

I'm not saying legion double core is a bad deal, just saying it's too early to tell...and I'd hate to have people convinced it's needed only to find out later they wasted money.

I'll still be finishing painting and learning the rules of a single core by the time wave 1 comes out.

Ok, I'm going to point out the obvious. Like any of the FFG Star Wars Miniature Games you can buy more than on core set to get more models, but if models are what you are going for this is not the smart way. We all know for a fact the models in the core set will also come out in packs, (maybe not Luke and Vader though) and FFG is famous for their upgrade cards specific to the expansion packs.

So if there is no extra value from owning more than one set this would be the Worst way to get more Stormtroopers or Speederbikes. The expansion will be out shortly after, if not at the same time frame, and after two waves the models that come with the core set may fall off in popularity and owning Max numbers of Stormtroopers may not ever be played after the 2nd wave.

In X-Wing buying two core sets is the only FFG Miniature Game where this is considered a good value and yet how many X-Wings or vanilla Ties are played today let alone after the Tie Swarms lost its popularity? In Armada I know several players that bought two core sets only to regret it by wave II in a major way.

So my thought is wait until we see what's all in the box because most likely if you're an average player you'll never want to buy a second core set and the hardcore players will do it just because that's just what hardcore players do, not because of an actual value. So if you're a hardcore player you're going to do it anyways and will spend hours justifying it to yourself and others, mine as well just own up to it and say you want two boxes because that's just what you want. If you're not sure now you most likely will never buy a second unless you get a great online deal of one for half off its MSRP.

And yes, after decades of Miniature Gaming I am a little cynical, but I'm sure this is pretty accurate from years of experience. (I was the guy that bought two of everything just because before. Now I'm a completist and I just make sure I have at least one of everything and more of only the most crucial of elements. So I'm still a little crazy.)

Edited by Beatty

I'll buy 1core and extra dice and wait for wave 1

2 hours ago, Beatty said:

Ok, I'm going to point out the obvious.

That's been pointed out and anyone who knows FFG knows it. But it never hurts to point it out again.

2 hours ago, Beatty said:

So if there is no extra value from owning more than one set this would be the Worst way to get more Stormtroopers or Speederbikes.

Even with upgrade cards in the expansion it may be that more expansion cards are the worse way... Depending on how many you want. If you want 6 squads, and yes it may be that down the road 6 squads of Stormtroopers isn't idea... Some people may still very much want to play that way. Tie Swarms are still effective in X-Wing after all. In that case a extra core set may be the better value, depends on if you want that many rebel troopers too.

If all you want is one faction, a second core set is not likely a good value, unless you can split it. But for the sake of ease let's assume you do.

In that case the second core set is the best value, since it would cost at least $80 for 2 more squads of each, and with the second core you get more dice, more barriers, more templates, another range ruler, ect... So easily the better value. Then if you want a 6th squad you get another expansion pack.

But it all depends on how many squads you want, and unless you want 5+ then expansions are the better value. If you only wanted 4, the second core is a good value but then you miss out on upgrade cards. Also this game is very much likely to function like X-Wing or Armada and not have much of a secondary market for upgrade cards. So I wouldn't count on being able to get them for a reasonable price from eBay.

Again, just because the meta is likely to change down the road doesn't mean everyone is going to chase it. Myself I plan on doing like you and waiting to see what's coming out and then getting a 2nd core or not depending on that. My guess is I won't but I'll have to see.