Gutted this isnt out for Xmas

By VAYASAN, in Star Wars: Legion

My inner child is very sad that this wont be under the tree come Xmas!!!

visiting various relatives, chatting about whats on tv while all the while wishing I was back at home gluing stormtroopers together!!!

The true Xmas spirit!!

Edited by VAYASAN

I thought this was announced for Q4 2017.

3 minutes ago, Manchu said:

I thought this was announced for Q4 2017.

Oh I though I read Q1 2018?

site and article says scheduled for early 2018

From the FFG site-

Take command of your forces and give the order to charge—the Star Wars : Legion Core Set (SWL01) is scheduled to be released in early 2018. Head to your local retailer to pre-order your copy today, or you can place your pre-order with FFG here !

The designer said Q4 in the GenCon interview, but sadly it seem Q1 2018 is more likely :(

Makes little sense that FFG didnt make sure this would be out in time for xmas

Well the Star Wars Legion Core Set is listed as in development above the wave XII X wing ships so there might be a limited number released before Xmas but who knows for sure, after all this is the end of August, do you think they can get Wave XII and Legion out for the Last Jedi movie? if they do, it will be limited to North Armerica like they did for Wave X for X Wing and the rest of the world mid January, but lets hope FFG have got thing organised for the Hoiiday's this year!

Miniature Market and UK Game Store Critical Hit Games both have delivery of pre-orders for 2018

"Legion will be out for Christmas..."

Think a Jedi mind trick would work?

i'm fine with this. Gives me time to paint the plethora of minis i havnt painted yet (dont ask how many orks or RWM minis i need to paint..)

5 hours ago, Torg said:

Well the Star Wars Legion Core Set is listed as in development above the wave XII X wing ships so there might be a limited number released before Xmas but who knows for sure, after all this is the end of August, do you think they can get Wave XII and Legion out for the Last Jedi movie? if they do, it will be limited to North Armerica like they did for Wave X for X Wing and the rest of the world mid January, but lets hope FFG have got thing organised for the Hoiiday's this year!

They might be able to get it out for Christmas, it would take a fair bit of effort but seeing as you have to build your miniatures and paint them that should help reduce production time on them. I'm sure if they can manage to get it out sooner they will, but it is realistic that it will come out sometime next year. And Wave XII will be out for the new movie, or at least part of it will, the ones tied to the film. The 3 ships announced at Gencon? Those will probably be out sometime by late December to mid February based off previous experience.

GenCon display said Q1 2018.

No Star wars Christmas (special)

11 hours ago, Heilbuth said:

The designer said Q4 in the GenCon interview, but sadly it seem Q1 2018 is more likely :(

Makes little sense that FFG didnt make sure this would be out in time for xmas

Same with End of the world: zombie apocalypse : Revealed in plenty of time for a possible Halloween release. When did it come out? Right before xmass!

FFG is blind to hollidays.

I like it that they aren't in a rush to hit a date though and just get it out when it is ready.

3 minutes ago, Amanal said:

I like it that they aren't in a rush to hit a date though and just get it out when it is ready.

That is pretty much FFG in a nutshell.

One one hand, I'd rather then not rush a product out.

On the other hand, half the time you don't even know when a product is going to be out until after it is on the shelves.