Team Covenant "Support" for Legion?

By DesignXception, in Star Wars: Legion

It will be interesting to see if Zach and Team Covenant will choose to "support" Legion with their coverage on their site. Not that I suspect a game like Star Wars Legion will require it to thrive but social media coverage is an essential ingredient to garnering how popular a game can become. Video battle reports, box openings, strategy articles and the like go along way in stirring up interest in a game such as Legion. X-wing, 40k, Star Wars Destiny, Netrunner, etc, all have arguably benefited greatly from the huge online community that exists on the internet with gaming sites such as TC and others like them. This is an area that in my opinion significantly hurts the Runewars Miniature Game since there seems to very little "promotional" efforts occurring or interest from online game sites (no battle reports, limited box openings, etc) and independent Youtubers. I recall Team Covenant explicitly stating they had no interest in "supporting" Runewars with any coverage or subscription services primarily because Zach and the guys do not like to assemble and paint large quantities of miniatures and an unclear future for the demand for the RMG game. I view them as an important cog in the FFG wheel as they strongly support and sell many FFG product lines to the point their whole current business model is almost entirely dependent on FFG products. The in-depth discussions in the past regarding X-wing on their site is second to none. Important business decisions they must make. I wonder if they will feel differently towards Star Wars Legion since it will be no doubt be a huge seller and Zack loves anything Star Wars. Just an interesting curiosity and observation on the importance of social media/home grown internet support for games such as these.

Edited by DesignXception

it wont matter.

There are tabletop wargaming social media platforms already in place and already hyped. Minwargaming and Beastsofwar both have a larger subscription base than TC has.

I do hope TC jumps on the bandwagon however, as i like their content as well.

Team Covenant is my FLGS and though I haven't seen Zach since he got back from GenCon Tim Bunn - who runs the retail store- is super excited and plans to play a lot.

Zach has talked about bringing a miniature game back into the store on many occasions. I suspect they will support Legion.


jsalyers, that's good to hear. Extra exposure never hurts.

That said, I think JoeVandal49 is right. More traditional tabletop games like this have enough bigger platforms (BoW and MW being great examples) that it wouldnt matter too much I expect.

Pre-launch I fully expect Beasts Of War in particular to do a full week or two of solid hype, similar to their Infinity 3rd ed coverage.

I think you can count on Team Covenant to go where the money is, and I'm pretty sure this game is going to be huge. I was pretty disappointed that they really didn't do anything with Rune Wars but I can't really blame them. It is a business.