Miniatures thoughts and AI compatibility.

By TylerTT, in Star Wars: Legion

I think The legion figures look great and the scale difference is very slight and in my opinion not a huge barrier to compatibility. but from what I have seen the figures are different stylistically.

Artboard 1.png

IA figures are modeled in a true scale. Luke has proper proportions. This makes the figures difficult to paint but a very accurate representations of the subject.

legion figures are modeled to be easier to paint. Luke's head is larger compared to his body. The details are sculpted with greater depth then they would normally have as a true scale model.

The legion figure in this photo looks WAY better. mostly because the painter has gotten way better at painting since the first luke came out. That said most everyone will have much more fun painting the legion luke.

Also the legion figures at gencon were likely resin casts of 3D prints (look at the layers in Luke's base) i have no idea what the final models will be made from or if they will be as crisp and free of flashing as the legion figure. my rune wars figures have plenty of flashing.

base layers.png

I measured a royal guard and they were about 35 MM tall and I think that is a pretty good match for the Legion scale. luke just appears to have grown a few MM from ANH to ESB.


Also pictured is the imperial army I happen to have just sitting around getting dusty. lots of stuff here I could use in Legion if FFG allows it. if FFG does not allow it I will simply not play Legion and that is ok with me. if you were wondering just how much of an Imperial assault army would be useable in Legion this is my personal stash. I'm sure rebel skirmish players would have a comparable rebel army.

Note the base unit size for storm troopers in legion is 4 figures so a base box is actually two units +1 spare, toss in the storm troopers unit expansion and you would have 3 base units. I could see the heavy troopers being weapon upgrades or their own unit. imperial commanders could be unit upgrades, imperial guard could be a unit or they could be a body guard upgrade for a commander,

Edited by TylerTT

I know a lot of people would contest the notion that IA figs are true scale. I most often hear them described as "heroic."

Looking over your stuff

  • Vader
  • 3x Stormtrooper Squads w/DLT-19 (Imp Officers count as Stormie NCOs)
  • use Snowtroopers the same way, use weiss as a NCO as well

That's 472 pts before any upgrades apart from the 4x DLT-19s. Assuming it was otherwise legal (e.g., no restrictions on 4x Corps choices, 4x of same upgrade, etc) I would play against it.

Edited by Manchu
4 hours ago, Manchu said:

I would play against it.

As would I and most other people I think. I'm starting to think there's two different issues here, and one I find reasonable the other I don't.

One is that people want to use like models in both games, I think that's reasonable, although I can see why FFG wouldn't allow it for official events. But most people are not going to flip the table if you have IA Stormtroopers in your Legion game. Especially if they're on the same base as legion models and are in their own unit. At that point you can't really tell the difference of a few mm at tabletop range.

In fact I'd be willing to bet that unless you played Regionals or beyond at the FFG event center no one would say anything about using IA stormtroopers (or other like models when they're released) in Legion. I know that when I get the game I'll be making a Legion squad out of IA stormtroopers to play at my LGS and with friends.

But I'll be using the Luke and Vader Legion models... Luke because there isn't anything like him in IA, and Vader, because well the DLoS needs to be the best looking model he can be and the Legion one looks better.

The other issue some people seem to have is some sort of conversion kit that lets you use all your IA models in Legion and that is IMO anyway not reasonable. FFG is not going to put out a product that lets you not buy their stuff. Sure they did it for Decent, that was to convert 1st edition into 2nd edition which is not the same thing here.

Edited by VanorDM

Uhh, that looks like a fingerprint on the base where it's been picked up before fully dry.

That said we do know from the feed comments they are supposed to be prototype resin and not production minis

Edited by Ralgon

It could be a finger print but the video shows it at higher resolution. It looks like the banding or layering you would get from even the best SLA 3D printers trying to print something like a tapered circular plinth.

I think there is a whole lot of stuff in the IA range that would never work in legion but there is a whole lot of crossover and I think they would be silly to not provide means to use it in IA.

Edited by TylerTT