First box content picture

By Xargonaut, in Star Wars: Legion

I'm all for the different colored bases. Will be a nice touch for when playing the first few games when things aren't painted.

They list the box content, and another interesting info snippet is that the core set contains 35 upgrade cards. I think we already knew about everything else.

33 Figurines en plastique, 8 Barricades en plastique, 15 Dés, 3 Gabarits de Déplacement 1 Règle des Portées, 8 cartes Unité, 35 cartes Amélioration , 14 cartes Commandement, 12 cartes Bataille, 1 Compteur de Round, 107 Pions divers et 1 Livret d’Apprentissage.

Wow, so many pions.

And as expected, not that many dice: 15, so probably 3 of each type (white, black and red D8, white and red D6). Oh well...

Nice find!

37 minutes ago, Xargonaut said:

So FFG french site have put up some exclusive pictures. No really new info, but interesting nonetheless.

The last two look like 3D renditions.

That's only 31 figures, when it lists 33.

Seems there may have at some point only been 12 stormtroopers in the box, as opposed to 14.

10 minutes ago, Slugrage said:

That's only 31 figures, when it lists 33.

Yeah, I noticed that afterward. For minis, the pics from the in-flight report are the right reference I think.

Edited by Xargonaut

The In Flight slide for the Empire only shows 12 stormies as well, hence my comment above.

Edited by Manchu

Here is the exact minis content for the Empire, from the in-flight report:

Xargonaut, note only 12 stormies in that pic.

2 minutes ago, Manchu said:

Xargonaut, note only 12 stormies in that pic.

Yah you're right, I'm all mixed up, sorry. Need to go sleep. :wacko:

No worries. Like I said, I think somewhere along the line, FFG decided 12 stormies was not enough. Probably to do with how many are in an expansion pack. Could also be that they did not have a certain sculpt approved in time for painting to take promotional pics.

4 Stormtroopers are in a unit. Then they have 3 upgrades for each unit in the core set. 1 upgrade just adds a Stormtrooper. The other two are weapon upgrades (rocket launcher and heaver blaster). Idk if the weapon upgrade adds a mini or if it replaces one. 14 Stormtroopers in my pic of the GenCon case here.

Squad weapon upgrades are for trooper and weapon, not just weapon.

Stormie squad card has one trooper upgrade slot and one heavy trooper upgrade slot. Max squad with HH-12 would cost 89 pts, with no other upgrades. Don't currently know cost of DLT-19 trooper.

The DLT-19 upgrade is 24 points. 1-4 range 2 red dice for damage and impact 1

I have a question about the rebel troopers upgrades. One is a minigun type, any idea what the other one is? I see it in the picture from an earlier post in this thread. At first glance, I thought it might be some sort of flamethrower but the rebel guy holding the gun doesn't look like he has a fuel tank for it.

Edited by Mantose262

DLT-19: 2 red dice, Impact 1, 24 points?

Pretty great!

Z-9: 6 white dice, 22 points. A single Rebel Trooper who puts down more fire than a regular stormie squad for only twice the points of an E-11 stormie. Aim token pretty helpful, however, running counter to Rebel mobility. I wonder if it can benefit from Targeting Scopes? (or if any special weapons can for that matter)

7 minutes ago, Manchu said:

Z-9: 6 white dice, 22 points. A single Rebel Trooper who puts down more fire than a regular stormie squad for only twice the points of an E-11 stormie. Aim token pretty helpful, however, running counter to Rebel mobility. I wonder if it can benefit from Targeting Scopes? (or if any special weapons can for that matter)


That is the minigun I know about. You can only re-roll 2 dice with an aim token unless you have precise 1 like stormtroopers. White dice seem pretty terrible for accuracy.

Here is a video with the Z-9 in action.

No terrain at all? just the fences. Even like they have done in Runewars could be nice, really???

4 minutes ago, Hijodecain said:

No terrain at all? just the fences. Even like they have done in Runewars could be nice, really???

Not really since line of sight is big

14 minutes ago, Mantose262 said:

You can only re-roll 2 dice with an aim token unless you have precise 1 like stormtroopers. White dice seem pretty terrible for accuracy.

Yeah, I saw the Z-9 wiff. As for Aim, that is why I wonder if Targeting Scopes applies to special weapons. Plus, as I said, Rebel Troopers with black shooting dice and Nimble have maneuverability advantage - having to use Aim action to improve Z-9 cuts against that.

17 minutes ago, Hijodecain said:

Even like they have done in Runewars could be nice, really???

Cardboard terrain templates? Nah, no thanks. Legion is a proper wargame and that means real terrain. The templates terrain make good sense in X-Wing and RW, where using maneuver templates well is a key skill.

2 minutes ago, Manchu said:

Cardboard terrain templates? Nah, no thanks. Legion is a proper wargame and that means real terrain. The templates terrain make good sense in X-Wing and RW, where using maneuver templates well is a key skill.

So people have to storage huge amounts of 3D elements handmade taking a lot of time to manufacture them or not enjoy a fully experience. Give to them the chance to have some scenery even flat, not all the people have the time and skills to do it. Cardboard easy to assemble scenery could be also another option.

If flat templates appeal to you, there is nothing easier to make - especially in an age of high resolution color printing with tons of existing graphics.