Wave 1
26 minutes ago, GammonLord said:It's like a repurposed bit of industrial packaging
Its also a canon vehicle from Rebels.
14 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:Its also a canon vehicle from Rebels.
16 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:Its also a canon vehicle from Rebels.
A canon cannon vehicle.
Pew pew.
3 hours ago, power500500 said:HAHA, I had forgotten about the MTV-7, the most useless vehicle in the galaxy! Just walk, man! On a more serious note, I do think that an E-Web is kind of a given in this game. I would be EXTREMELY surprised if they didn't.
Aaawww don't knock the MTV-7! FFG even put it in the LCG:
I'll take the Ewok catapult for sure. Indirect fire is good!
I want my, I want my, I want my MTV-7.
Credits for nothing and chicks for free.
Also, the fact that half the storm troopers in the image is missing half their face, tells me that this is probably fake.
I Hope we Will get clones and droids. That era has more stuff to offer compared to rebellion era, based Simply on episode 1-6. (yeah, i know there a a lot of eu things around, but a lot of them are only recognised by those who were hardcore sw fans and played all the pc Games in the 90's). We see a lot more legion themed material in prequels, all 3 episodes have scenes of battles vs 2 in the original trilogy. For imps, i can recall 3 types of infantry(storm, snow and scout troopers) and 3 vehicles(at-at,at-st,speeder) from the imp side, and thats not much. For sure, there might be other things, but i Hope you know what i mean. For Me, the selling Point is if i can recognise and relate to the unit we are Talking about. As someone mentioned, x-wing is out of source, and releases not-so-star wars-ish ships...
On 8/21/2017 at 9:04 PM, rowdyoctopus said:Strange. I'd assume they would save the airspeeder for a Hoth themed wave. *Shrug*
The T-47 Air Speeder was not a "Hoth Only" vehicle. As stated in The Empire Strikes Back when Han Solo wanted to take out a speeder to search for Luke Skywalker they were "having trouble adjusting them to the cold" . So it is a multi terrain based vehicle. Yes we only saw them on Hoth but I don't care where we use them, the T-47 Air Speeder or "Snow Speeder" has always been my favorite vehicles. Here is to hoping that the Storm VI Twin Pod Cloud Car makes its way into the game also.
3 minutes ago, C3POFETT said:The T-47 Air Speeder was not a "Hoth Only" vehicle. As stated in The Empire Strikes Back when Han Solo wanted to take out a speeder to search for Luke Skywalker they were "having trouble adjusting them to the cold" . So it is a multi terrain based vehicle. Yes we only saw them on Hoth but I don't care where we use them, the T-47 Air Speeder or "Snow Speeder" has always been my favorite vehicles. Here is to hoping that the Storm VI Twin Pod Cloud Car makes its way into the game also.
1) As I said in this thread, I know that already. I even called them air speeders.
2) Obviously they wouldn't be restricted to snow environment. I assume they would be released together for marketing purposes...
Wouldnt a speeder be on the 'board' for about 2 seconds before its speed carried it about half a mile out of your garage?
19 minutes ago, VAYASAN said:Wouldnt a speeder be on the 'board' for about 2 seconds before its speed carried it about half a mile out of your garage?
In short...no. First of all, any flying vehicles will almost certainly be a smaller scale to represent them well...flying (most likely 1/72). Second, don't get too bogged down in scale and distance being strictly realistic in tabletop gaming, it makes gameplay suffer. The mechanic for X Wings, TIEs etc. is likely to be that they can appear on the table in their turn in order to fire at another unit, an opportunity for the flying unit to be fired at and then they leave the table until the following turn. That (very broadly) is how a game like Bolt Action would handle planes.
8 minutes ago, tuco74 said:In short...no. First of all, any flying vehicles will almost certainly be a smaller scale to represent them well...flying (most likely 1/72). Second, don't get too bogged down in scale and distance being strictly realistic in tabletop gaming, it makes gameplay suffer. The mechanic for X Wings, TIEs etc. is likely to be that they can appear on the table in their turn in order to fire at another unit, an opportunity for the flying unit to be fired at and then they leave the table until the following turn. That (very broadly) is how a game like Bolt Action would handle planes.
Yup played plenty of Bolt Action. Never been that keen on purchasing the actual models as they dont stay on the table, makes more sense (for me) for them to be off table support.
Imagine a speeder flying under the tree canopy on Endor...
24 minutes ago, VAYASAN said:Never been that keen on purchasing the actual models as they dont stay on the table, makes more sense (for me) for them to be off table support.
I expect that things like speederbikes, T-47 Airspeeders, ect... Will have actual models and stay on the table. Sure may break the lore a bit... But I think with the compsilary move and being destroyed if you can't make it does a simulate the speed they travel at.
That said they may include things like X-Wing, Y-Wing, Tie Bombers and the like into the game for strafing/bombing runs.. In that case it may very work like BA where you put a token down and don't actually need the ship on the table. But they may also sell a 1/48 or 1/56 model for it... Which I think I can safely say most of us would actually love... I know I still want to get a Corsair or Mustang for BA, just because I'd love to have a model of one.
Considering how fast speeder bikes are, they only have a Compulsory speed 1 move. And then they can shoot and dodge. So they actually don't have to move very far.
I'd expect snow speeders to have Compulsory speed 2. It shows they have to move and are quite fast, but I think Alex Davvy said each round represents 6-10 seconds, so having the speeder move and then shoot and dodge is not game breaking or destroying immersion. Do you drive a car at max speed all the time or when you make a turn? Did WW2 pilots fly at max speed when dog fighting?
5 minutes ago, Undeadguy said:I'd expect snow speeders to have Compulsory speed 2. It shows they have to move and are quite fast...
But are they as fast as speederbikes? I mean based on how quickly they flew around the legs of a AT-AT I didn't get the same impression of speed as you did with bikes on Endor.
19 minutes ago, VanorDM said:But are they as fast as speederbikes? I mean based on how quickly they flew around the legs of a AT-AT I didn't get the same impression of speed as you did with bikes on Endor.
Someone early said speeder bikes are 500km/hr and snow speeders are 1100km/hr at max. Honestly, I'm more worried how the pilot is able to withstand those types of forces.
But in general, I'd say snow speeders are much faster than speeder bikes.
Just now, Undeadguy said:But in general, I'd say snow speeders are much faster than speeder bikes.
They may have a higher top end, but that doesn't mean they have to be cursing at top speed... That's the thing about Speederbikes, they seemed to have two speeds. Hover and 'Hang on!!' But I think it's safe to assume you could ride those at least then max as well.
3 minutes ago, VanorDM said:They may have a higher top end, but that doesn't mean they have to be cursing at top speed... That's the thing about Speederbikes, they seemed to have two speeds. Hover and 'Hang on!!' But I think it's safe to assume you could ride those at least then max as well.
The other thing to keep in mind is that speeding through a forest at 200 km/hr is going to look way faster than speeding across an open snow field at 500 km/hr.
1 minute ago, rowdyoctopus said:The other thing to keep in mind is that speeding through a forest at 200 km/hr is going to look way faster than speeding across an open snow field at 500 km/hr.
True, but we do have how fast they flew around the AT-AT's as a reference and in those scenes they didn't seem to be going anywhere near 500km/hr.
Just now, VanorDM said:True, but we do have how fast they flew around the AT-AT's as a reference and in those scenes they didn't seem to be going anywhere near 500km/hr.
Oh, of course. I figure you would have to slow down to make those loops, haha
1 minute ago, rowdyoctopus said:I figure you would have to slow down to make those loops, haha
That's my whole point really... While they may be able to go flat out at 500+ Kph, that doesn't mean they have to go that speed. Which based only on RotJ, seemed to be the case with speederbikes... I mean from what I remember no one moved the throttle very far to hit full speed on them. But that wouldn't be very practical... So I'm sure they could go at less than full speed.
So while the compulsory move makes a lot of sense... I wouldn't expect the T-47 speeder to have to make a speed 2 move. Especially with a larger base, it would be even harder to keep on the table. Same way it's an issue with large based ships in X-Wing.
One thing I'd like to know is if heavy units stay on the table and create cover once destroyed. The speederbike from the demo didn't but maybe bigger stuff? If not I'm sure some people will play it that way, either as soft or hard cover.
1 hour ago, Animewarsdude said:One thing I'd like to know is if heavy units stay on the table and create cover once destroyed. The speederbike from the demo didn't but maybe bigger stuff? If not I'm sure some people will play it that way, either as soft or hard cover.
The demos were a very brief sampling of the rules. There were things that would have come up in a full game but we glossed over to keep things as smooth as possible. At least on most of the tables. Familiarity with the full rules carried between demoers.