Will You Still Legion If

By Guest, in Star Wars: Legion

you know that there won't be AT-ATs in the game?

Let's say that they will have other ground based vehicles but given the scale of the individual units, it's hard to picture how they're going to create an AT-AT to scale and it be less than the cost of the core game itself.

So if you knew in advance that there wouldn't be AT-ATs for Legion, would you still buy it?

Sorry, didn't realize I wasn't signed in. Question still stands though, would like to hear people's thoughts on it.

They'll make a bunch of smaller ground vehicles, such that the primacy of AT-ATs will be forgotten. And then once they've done that they'll release a $100 AT-AT.

My decision to buy it or not does not depend on the AT-AT.

Honestly i'm not all that interested in an AT-AT. I think they are a bit over hyped...despite being cool. Considering the kind of game this is i'm more into the quicker AT-ST and maybe an armed rebel landspeeder.

There will be ATAT.

It's going to be like the Tiger or Maus in Bolt action.
Unconceivable in a 1000pts... But a 150 dollars must buy for any who will have already spent 400 in an 2500 pts army.

And there are going to be plenty of people like this and they know it. The very same that already have all the expansion for IA...
All the ships for X-wing, and for Armada...

Star Wars fan will be Star Wars fan.

****, you can get away with showing anything more than a fe fighters fighting in space in a space opera and arbitrary popular characters over subtle dubstep and know you will sell a huge amount...so...

Whether I buy in or not to Legion has nothing to do with the AT-AT specifically.

The size of my fun money budget will be the chief factor.

Interesting. Seems like a lot of people are concerned about the AT AT or lack thereof in other threads.

I have been waiting for a new Star wars Minis Game as I missed getting the minis that went with the WEG rule set. I have the full WEG rule set and it I was goinmg to collect WOTC Star Wars Miniatures or Imperial Assault Miniatures to play the WEG rules. Now I don't have to because Legion is coming ( sooooo excited ).

WOTC created an AT-AT for their rule set and it was at the AUD$100 mark when released. Whether there is an AT-AT or not will not stop me from buying into this game as soon as I can get it. There are so many scenarios you can play without an AT-AT anyway.

13 minutes ago, LiveWire X said:

Interesting. Seems like a lot of people are concerned about the AT AT or lack thereof in other threads.

There is a difference between

"man, I really wanted at-ats, they should have made the scale smaller", and

"Man, this blows. I'm absolutely will not buy this game because it doesn't have at-ats"

I would have vastly preferred a 6-10mm game, I will still probably check this out.

As much a really wanted Legion to be the game where I played AT-ATs, I'm not sure it would be a good idea to have them in this game. AT-ATs are so powerful and sooooo hard to hurt. Things that are a whole of a lot more powerful than a those five rebels with blaster rifles just can't hurt them. Before you imagine an AT-AT in this game, try to image a T-47 Speeder (snowspeeder) It would cross the whole play area in a single round. If we can't have snowspeeder how can we have AT-ATs?

I think we are going to have to wait another couple of years for another scale for ground battles, just like we did with X-wing and Armada.

1 hour ago, Guest LiveWire X said:

you know that there won't be AT-ATs in the game?

Let's say that they will have other ground based vehicles but given the scale of the individual units, it's hard to picture how they're going to create an AT-AT to scale and it be less than the cost of the core game itself.

So if you knew in advance that there wouldn't be AT-ATs for Legion, would you still buy it?


When I first saw the game I instantly thought AT-AT !!!! But the more I thought about it the more unrealistic it became for this game to include one.

Maybe some day in the distant future AT-ATs will make an appearance as an epic unit like the did for x-wing with those epic ships. I think the game would have to be played on a bigger map with transport units for the ground squads.

Edited by Mantose262
4 hours ago, Iceeagle85 said:

My decision to buy it or not does not depend on the AT-AT.

Very much agree. Could be fun but these big centerpiece models are not make/break in terms of good game design or enjoyable gameplay.

I still have my old WOTC AT-AT. It's a cool "Mini" and we used it like twice in actual games. The rest of the time it was used as a set piece.

Yes I'll still play the game if there are no AT-ATs.

Possible options:

1) The AT-AT will be kept out of Legion to preserve scope and scale.

In practice the AT-AT is a hybrid vehicle performing the role of artillery, tank, and APC. It's just too big to really work properly at this scale.

2) The AT-AT will be added later as a big unit.

It's possible to do it. Scale of the model may not be perfectly preserved, but otherwise it would operate as a big high point value object.

3) The AT-AT will be added later as a special unit.

The AT-AT will be applicable to specific scenarios and special games, but not really usable in standard play.

4) Apocalypse!

The game will get a scale up option allowing the use of big models and utilizing the entire floor of your garage as the battlefield. Removing infantry squads from play will be easiest done with a broom.

5) Epic

A difference scaled game will be produced later akin to X-wing compared to Armada.

As much as I like AT-ATs, I wouldn't want one in a miniatures game of this scale. It just seems like it wouldn't be fun to play. It's the same reason why I didn't buy the old WOFC AT-AT mini. AT-ST's will be good enough for me. I can't wait to see those in the game!

2 hours ago, Ghostofman said:

4) Apocalypse!

The game will get a scale up option allowing the use of big models and utilizing the entire floor of your garage as the battlefield. Removing infantry squads from play will be easiest done with a broom.

The game already feels a lot like X-wing so I was betting something like this. Maybe scale it down just a little so it's sort of like the Raider equivalent from epic games.

To answer the OP's question, I'm on fence on this game, but not because of the AT-AT issue. In fact, I'd probly prefer to go without AT-ATs.

The knee jerk reaction of a few has been negative due to the scale seemingly imposing a restriction on the inclusion of one vehicle seen primarily in only one battle (the beloved AT-AT at Hoth).

For me, the ability to play one type of battle (armoured spearhead) by having the AT-AT isn't anywhere near as exciting as being able to play movie-tie-in skirmish style, squad-based scenarios with a few models that look ace!

it would be impressive (most impressive) if those who want something else to have a go at writing some rules using third party models. We're all passionate for this type of thing; Let us create, not just consume.

8 hours ago, Guest LiveWire X said:

you know that there won't be AT-ATs in the game?

Let's say that they will have other ground based vehicles but given the scale of the individual units, it's hard to picture how they're going to create an AT-AT to scale and it be less than the cost of the core game itself.

So if you knew in advance that there wouldn't be AT-ATs for Legion, would you still buy it?


All I want is Stormtroopers, Speeder bikes, Death Troopers and AT-ST. Few other things too, but nothing bigger than the AT-ST. Maybe that tank thing from Rogue One.

Already ruled out the AT-AT but it doesn't really bother me.

Perhaps once X-Wing has reached a point when there is little to nothing left to release, FFG will give us a vehicular ground war at 1/270 scale.

Some people talk about no AT-At no game for me, lets be frank here some peoples idea of a Star Wars Wargame is having an Army of 20 AT-ATs marching across the table, with a few AT-ST and oh yeah Vader somewhere in the mix, because you know he's Vader and he's bad ***.

There not really about Wargaming, there about playing a particular scenario with no balance and little to stop them mercilessly crushing there opponents underfoot. TBH West End games did that 30 years called ago Battle of Hoth, swop out the cardboard AT-ATs for some micro machines they have the game they want at the scale they want.

This to me is an X-Wing version of ground combat and will be mostly about small unit tactics and maybe a vehicle or two to be the Slave 1, and Imperial Raider sort of size. If this does well I would be surprised an Armada Version doesn't get made.

12 minutes ago, Guest AdmiralAndy said:

Some people talk about no AT-At no game for me, lets be frank here some peoples idea of a Star Wars Wargame is having an Army of 20 AT-ATs marching across the table, with a few AT-ST and oh yeah Vader somewhere in the mix, because you know he's Vader and he's bad ***

I don't want Vader :o

And the sum total of AT-ATs I'd want, should the day ever come when they're made, would be four.

I'm very much for trying to combine games, so the four "Star Wars: Mechanised Assault" ATATs would be transport for my "Star Wars Legion" company of Stormtroopers or Squadrons of Speeder bikes. Those AT-ATs themselves would be transported by my two "X-Wing" Gozanti's which might also appear as a flotilla in "Star Wars: Armada".

Weird I know, but I like some continuity between my collections.

Edited by Tommy Blunderbuss
7 hours ago, Forgottenlore said:

There is a difference between

"man, I really wanted at-ats, they should have made the scale smaller", and

"Man, this blows. I'm absolutely will not buy this game because it doesn't have at-ats"

I would have vastly preferred a 6-10mm game, I will still probably check this out.

Tabletop is about maneuvering and to give vehicles adequate space for maneuvering you need either a smaller scale or vastly bigger tables and longer arms. But what do you do with a 6mm Darth Vader? Hard to maintain Jedi Plot Armour (TM) at that scale.

So...it's this thread, but for Legion :D

X-wing had "we want Star destroyers" vs "too big"

Armada had "we want a super star destroyer" vs "too big"

Legion gets the At-At discussion.

Personally, I'm not bothered. It'll be expensive and rarely played, like x-wing epic stuff. But if it did happen I'd buy one for scenery or something.

Is it a problem for people if the figures aren't all to scale with one another? I'd rather get an AT-AT thats 50-75% the correct size in comparison to troopers than not get an AT-AT at all.

People still bought the Huge Ships for X-wing, and those utilize sliding scale. Most content in those releases isn't even playable in the Standard Format.