I am really excited about this game... looks Awesome.
Anyone know what the recommended table size would be for standard play ? I feel I might have to spend some time making a suitable gaming board ( or 2) before "early 2018"
I am really excited about this game... looks Awesome.
Anyone know what the recommended table size would be for standard play ? I feel I might have to spend some time making a suitable gaming board ( or 2) before "early 2018"
6' x 3' (gaming area - leave room for your cards!)
Hate to be old school but personally I would (and have) go bigger. 6X3 is kind of small. But, and I can't stress this enough, if you are into a small table go crazy! I plan on expanding my horizons, so to speak.
I find that a lot of 6x4 tables are practically empty, terrain-wise, and gaming suffers for the lack.
I think 6x3 is plenty big. looking forward to this game.
I bet, the tablesize is exactly that of X-Wing. And playing on another size will seriously affect balancing.
Edited by DerBaer15 minutes ago, DerBaer said:I bet, the tablesize is exactly that of X-Wing. And playing on another size will seriously affect balancing.
You'd bet wrong. Already announced it's 6x3, same as Armada.
Most (all?) miniature games are designed with a certain play area size in mind. FFG's games are not exceptions in this regard. I doubt some variance will seriously affect balance.
3x3 for the Core Set battles
6x3 for the normal games
4 minutes ago, Manchu said:Most (all?) miniature games are designed with a certain play area size in mind. FFG's games are not exceptions in this regard. I doubt some variance will seriously affect balance.
For other games it my experience that variating table size seriously affects how the game is played, especially when I comes to playability of close combat and short range weapons.
Sure, if a game is designed for a 6x3 play area then cutting that area in half along one dimension will create some gameplay difference. But that is a pretty drastic change. By contrast, I doubt playing Legion on a 6x4 will create any sort of balance issues. I think the bigger issue would be lack of room for all your unit cards, tokens, measuring tools, etc.
Edited by ManchuI usually store card, tokens and stuff beneath the play area, not on it.
What I meant was, the standard size table at a local gaming store is 6x4. By using 6x3 play areas, FFG is allowing 6" margins on each player's long table edge for laying out the various unit and upgrade cards.