Does this painting site exist?

By Glucose98, in Runewars Painting and Modeling

I think it'd be pretty nice to have a place where you could browse people's painting of figures, that is indexed by the figure itself. So you could select Daqan Spearman, and look through only photos of spearmen, or pick Ardus and only see pictures of the hero etc. Anyone know if such place exists -- that could be set up for Runewars?

That's a fun idea, and it doesn't sound too difficult to pull off. The main issues would be hosting (probably need to use a 3rd party image host like imgur) and permission for displaying the photos.


On the X-wing Painting & Mods forums we had @Piscopas do a "Showcase" thread once every couple of weeks where people would showcase their paint or mod of a particular ship. Maybe you can head something similar over here.

It would be pretty cool if you did, wink, wink .

I would recommend starting a FB group. There are some really popular ones for FFG Star Wars games, I really don't see why we couldn't have one for Runewars or even just any and all Minis from FFG.

3 hours ago, freebird285 said:

I would recommend starting a FB group. There are some really popular ones for FFG Star Wars games, I really don't see why we couldn't have one for Runewars or even just any and all Minis from FFG.

There is a FB group for runewars, its quite active too. Search for RuneWars: The Miniatures Game