2010 Aussie Anima Demo's - [2010 Schedule Concluded - Dec 11]

By Raith, in Anima: Tactics

Part 3

Saturday the 25th and Sunday the 26th


This past weekend was pretty busy despite the Aussie Rule Football Grand Final keeping the city faily quiet. A lot of people took the opportunity to queitly shop without the usual crowds to move around. A number of matches for my campaign where played as well as a ordinary match between a Dark/Church team and a force from Samael.

On top of this I ran a few demonstrations showed off my miniatures and chatted as normal. For the first demonstration I showed a couple of guys how the game worked.


The battle was fairly different from usual with Bael not letting off a single Mark of Erebus and going for Dark Beam and seal instead. Despite Evangaline being taken out Kronnen successfully charged Cheshire and sliced him in half before turning on Bael to finish the fight.


My last demonstration was late Sunday. This time I demoed against the newcomer who had seen the figures before but knew little about the game itself.


It was a pretty quick match that ended up with Bael getting charged by Kronnen while Evangaline fought off Cheshire, miraculously being missed by Summon, twice! Kronnen then charged on in and the Demo ended. A very different outcome than I expected.


- Raith

Saturday October 9th


This coming weekend my Anima Demonstration schedule will return back to normal with its regularly scheduled Saturday Demonstration Day on the 9th of October . As usual the day will be hosted by Mind Games (City Store) for all those who wish to learn about the game, play some friendly matches and meet others who play.

A basic demonstration takes about half an hour and even if I am busy Demoing for others I am more than happy to split my time and answer questions or multi-play the demonstrations.

The day is also available for use with my Campaign event, Dark is the Fallen Sky .

Mind Games, Melbourne,. 244 Swanston Street in the heart of the CBD, Victoria, Australia.

12:00noon till 5:30pm, Sat 9th October

For specific information post questions here or email: freeagent005@gmail.com

- Raith

After Action Report


This past Demo weekend things got back to normal, it was so routine that there isn’t much to really report on. After a quiet first half of the day several of my regulars rocked up and got stuck into Campaigning while I talked shop and demonstrated the game to a few people.

Right in the last hour of the day I also ran a demo for a future gamer who, after the demo, did his best to convince his parents to buy some of the figures for him.


- Raith


After Action Report


On my latest Campaign day I had a few guest turn up and participate in some demonstration games. The first people through I forgot to snap some shots, I ran a demo for a 7 year old girl and her father which was immensely entertaining, the little girl was so clued in.

The second demonstration for the day was against a young guy who wanted to trial out some of the mini’s on display so after helping him make a selection he took Grimorium as his center, Veronica for some stealth action and Celia as a more flexible skirmisher.


On my side I decided to try out the Condemned Lovers and the “Man-with-the-hand” Lorenzo.

My opponent pressed forward with Grimorium and Celia while Veronica slinked around out on the flank. I countered with Lorenzo dashing out wide across half the table backed up by Cenette while Drake came up the middle.


Lorenzo rapidly smashed into Celia with a crit taking her off the table on his follow-up charge. A moment later as Grimorium stomped forward Lorenzo charged again as did Cenette who leapt around a hedge. Veronica appeared and sank her daggers into Drake but failed to completely incapacitate him.


Seeing the effect of her knives Veronica fled from Drake and hid once more. In turn Drake charged Grimorium and the massive mecha was slowly reduced to only a handful of Life Points even with the emergency repairs from its pilot.


Veronica darted in again striking at Drake who avoided the attack but then Grimorium struck rolling a very desperate Critical to deal more than enough damage to Drake and Cenette to kill them and to reduce Lorenzo to a single Life Point which was quickly taken by Veronica when Lorenzo failed to pierce Grimorium’s resistance with his High-Frequency attack twice.


The last demo for the day was for a small group of people and took a more stock form. Light v Dark Starters.


As the day wore on Kronen managed to avoid being paralysed by Bael and successfully countered Summun with his Scarlet Heartbeat. The game ended with Evangaline charging Bael just for kicks with Kronen backing her up a moment later.


- Raith

Saturday November 13th


Once more a demonstration day approaches. On Saturday the 13th of November Mind Games (City Store) will be hosting a day where you can come along and learn how to play Anima Tactics, get involved in a match or join in on my ongoing campaign, Dark is the Fallen Sky .

A basic demonstration takes about half an hour and even if I am busy Demoing for others I am more than happy to split my time and answer questions or multi-play the demonstrations.

Mind Games, Melbourne,. 244 Swanston Street in the heart of the CBD, Victoria, Australia.

12:00noon till 5:30pm, Sat 13th November

For specific information post questions here or email: freeagent005@gmail.com

- Raith


After Action Report

It turns out that for my last Demonstration Day of the year things where very relaxed.

Demo event #28 was probably my quietest Demo day in a long time so this report is going to be very very short. Whether it was the dreary day following a week of a little to warm temperatures people decided to stay off the streets and leave their shopping to another day, this is even after the annual Christmas parade had cut thought he city which would normally have meant parents being towed about by children.

I basically spent the day randomly chatting to a few shoppers, giving a short how-to-paint introductory lecture to a girl who was just getting into the miniature hobby with her boyfriend and otherwise just let people look over my figures.

While I still have one final weekend of Campaigning left to run my next Demonstration event will not be until January 2011 where I will be starting off with my regular attendance at www.arcanacon.org/

- Raith



This past weekend I ran my regular Campaign series but at the same time I managed to get a couple of demonstrations run and even a match played for my own enjoyment.


The Demo involved Chen (On the right) a friend of Sen’s one of my regulars and a new guy called Ao who said he had bought a few mini’s to paint. I hope he decided to get into the game itself and join our regular gaming group.

Battle Report
Black Sun verses The Sacred Holy Empire of Abel
150 levels

The Teams:

Black Sun Forces: Promethia, Styx, Type 005 and Raziel Archetypum
Empire Forces: Erika, Lillian, Claire

Setup was pretty straight forward, my half of the table I left nice and clear while placing intervening terrain across the middle to hamper final engagement movement. My opponent chose to keep himself covered as much as possible while I deployed down the center looking to move in any direction.

The match started out interestingly enough though after the first round I realised I had made a mistake choosing the Master Ring rather than say Control Bound the extra Guidance point was a bit overmuch especially as I used gnosis on the first turn to guarantee the Raziel avoided going out of control.

My opponent kept his team close together sweeping to my left to pass through some terrain. I moved my Type 005 to intercept and Styx who was stealth while Raziel moved down the centre..

The following round involved a small brawl. Styx leapt out and savaged Claire while the Type 005 failed a dodge roll and was clobbered by Lillian. Raziel tried to yank Erika through a hedge with his Get Over Here manoeuvre but Erika avoided the effect of the extendable fingers.

Promethia should have been paying more attention as she was taunted by Erika when my attack failed, despite the Berserk counter she did not have a clear line of charge or enough AP so she simply passed the turn.

During the maintenance at the beginning of the following turn I considered my options and decided despite my Raziel and Styx being in range of the death blast from my Type 005 it was too good a chance to take out Claire and Lillian so I added a Gnosis point to the roll, this killed Styx as I rolled a crit but slaughtered my opponents figures as I had hoped.


The final conflict occurred when Raziel drew Erika in close. At this point Promethia was giving out a Guidance point and full AP to the construct, with the +2 reactive bonus to hit from the Necromancer it wasn’t long before Erika fell and the game was over.

- Raith

Thanks for the demo Raith! Just need to base my figs and I'll be table ready. :P

Raith said:

... while the Type 005 failed a dodge roll and was clobbered by Lillian.

Don't the Type 005 have Damage Resistance, meaning they can't Dodge?

Also, do you have any plans to run an Anima tournament at the Conquest 2011 games convention?

Shiro_Kuro said:

Raith said:

... while the Type 005 failed a dodge roll and was clobbered by Lillian.

Don't the Type 005 have Damage Resistance, meaning they can't Dodge?

Also, do you have any plans to run an Anima tournament at the Conquest 2011 games convention?

Yes they normally do but you can pay +10 levels to remove the disadvantage from them which I did for this battle.

As for Conquest, unfortunately it is on over the Easter Weekend and I will be spending time with my Grandparents then. Sorry.

- Raith

Ah, I see - in both cases. Fair enough. ^_^

Saturday December 11th


I now what some of you are thinking, did this guy say the Demo's where over for the year? Well apparently they aren't I am taking one last opportunity to show of Anima Tactics for 2010.

As usual the Demo day with be on a Saturday and it will be held at Mind Games (City Store) from midday until about half-past five.

You can come along and have a demonstration which takes about 30 minutes, play a game against myself or anyone else whose interested or for my regular attendees participate in some more matches for Dark is the Fallen Sky.

If I am busy Demoing for others I am more than happy to split my time and answer questions or multi-play the demonstrations, just make sure you get my attention.

Mind Games, Melbourne,. 244 Swanston Street in the heart of the CBD, Victoria, Australia.

12:00noon till 5:30pm, Sat 11th December

For specific information post questions here or email: freeagent005@gmail.com

- Raith

Saturday December 11th
After Action Report

My final demonstration day for the year was a blast a LOT of people turned up to play, try out the game or look an the miniatures on display.


On top of my regular crowd I ran a demonstration for this guy Ivan “The Terrible”


Who I cleaned up in a stunning display of critical’s with Kronnen.

I also met Shiro, who had come up from Hobart to see a concert.


And as the day drew to a close Sen fought a almost identical Church versus Church fight against Ayo from my previous weekends demonstrations. Unfortunately for Ayo he only managed to keep his Samael Agent alive who was unable to effect an Intangible Damien.


While this concludes my Demonstrations for this year Anima has certainly picked up over the course of the year, my won little group has doubled and im hoping it will continue to grow in 2011

- Raith