Figrin D'an's Good Time Drive Yards

By Themodalnodes, in Star Wars: Armada Painting and Modification

Try a Google search for a do-it-yourself light box or light tent. You'll still need a couple of additional lights, but it will give you much better diffusion.

On the work bench at the moment, a Station WIP!

I've plans to turn this into a mini diorama (for the table), with small fighters on the landing platforms & a ship in dock.

Stay tuned. For now I have some lights & weathering to add! Any suggestions on Warhammer-esque clear base to sit flat beneath the Cardbpard cutout, but extend through it for easy removal when overlapping?


Wow, that's the best paintjob on a space station Ive seen.

On 19/10/2017 at 0:32 AM, melminiatures said:

Wow, that's the best paintjob on a space station Ive seen.

Wow! Thanks so much. That's a massive compliment as I'm sure you've seen many!
Looking forward to finishing her up! Almost there

Well the Space Station is complete!
The hidden Rebel fighter base has been found by an expeditionary Imperial force!

Perfect terrain for 'Contested Outpost' ;)

In painting the micro fighters I certainly gazed into the abyss of madness haha
May return to this and have a couple of the fighters attempting take off.





"And now we shall crush the rebel scum" (Star Destroyer for scale).


"EVACUATE" (Corvette for scale).

I LOVE the tiny fighters.

4 hours ago, melminiatures said:

I LOVE the tiny fighters.

So tiny! I have no idea how to paint those.

Wow. You have really outdone yourself this time sir that station and those tiny fighters are just truly awesome

Where did you get the tiny fighters?

Thanks a bunch guys! They were tough as anything haha

@cynanbloodbane I nabbed an assortment of 1/2256 scale fighters from Shapeways!

Been absent for a little while (blame Battlefront 2, Holiday season & a busy social schedule).

While I'm visiting the folks over the Xmas break I've picked up part #2 of the terrain enhancements for painting.
Stay tuned!


Space Slug infestation! (Sorry for poor lighting. I swear I'm almost there on the new lamp setup. Need a back drop).


That is perfect :D

Wow that's awesome, which material did you use?

Thank you @melminiatures & @Thrindal !

I can never bring myself to order WSF.

Usually I won't go less than FUD (part of the reason I didn't drunkenly pull the trigger on a First Order Dreadnought over the Xmas break).
This time however I couldn't justify FUD price for terrain, so I went for the middle ground of Black Premium Strong & Flexible, and was very pleasantly surprised. The material took to the paint well and is perfect for the natural textured slug!

Mel, love the Bunkerbuster!!

15 minutes ago, Themodalnodes said:

Thank you @melminiatures & @Thrindal !

I can never bring myself to order WSF.

Usually I won't go less than FUD (part of the reason I didn't drunkenly pull the trigger on a First Order Dreadnought over the Xmas break).
This time however I couldn't justify FUD price for terrain, so I went for the middle ground of Black Premium Strong & Flexible, and was very pleasantly surprised. The material took to the paint well and is perfect for the natural textured slug!

Mel, love the Bunkerbuster!!

That's great to know, it looks great and I like the texture. I had an order ready to go then Mel posted the Aggressor...


Now I'm reconsidering my order. Getting a Slug in a cheaper material might keep it in play if I go with an Aggressor.

On 28.9.2017 at 2:59 PM, Themodalnodes said:

WELL, I've finally completed my ISD 1 mod & repaint. It's been a long two weeks, but I'm super happy with the result.

I've tried to go with a lighter grey to closer match the light ISD1's in New Hope & R1, but I really wanted to keep a lot of contrast through the model so it really popped on the table, as I've seen a lot that just end up looking one colour from anything other than 5cm away.

Let me know your thoughts. If anyone is interested I can put together a tutorial/process of what I did (with progress pics).

The new tower & turrets really add to the model:


Multi Layered Shipboard lights (yellow to match the films):



The rear & a better look at the panelling highlights:



And finally the detail on the Bridge & Tower. I'm particularly happy with the paint detail I got into the Shield Generators:


Let me know your thoughts and if you want any more info! Would definitely recommend the conversion kit from Mel's to anyone craving that ANH or R1 style ISD. It's simple and looks excellent!

Stunning work on the ISD, I would be very interested in process pics. What colors did you use for the whole model?

14 hours ago, Jerry171 said:

Stunning work on the ISD, I would be very interested in process pics. What colors did you use for the whole model?

Thank you very much!

Here's a few pics and info below:

1. New elements added, and undercoated black (i didn't have the materials to strip the entire model, so left the FFG paint job as an undercoat).


2. I then coated the entire Destroyer in Citadel 'Eshin Grey' (I wanted to start dark and work lighter, but these dark bases were mostly lost later)


3. I Washed the entire model in Nuln Oil at this early stage, so I wouldn't get the dark wash over the lighter Hull plates.

I then began to pick out the individual plates with Administratum Grey (seen below). This was time consuming haha, but I wanted this to serve as the base for the shadows.


4. Next up was applying the final deck colour - Ulthuan Grey - whilst leaving the lower ends/ rear of panels showing the last layer to appear as shadow.

After I had completed this layer I went back over some of the obscured panel lines with a little more Nuln Oil wash.

NOTE: to keep high contrast between the flat plates and the vertical 'walls' of the upper decks, I did not highlight in Ulthuan, instead applying another Nuln Oil wash tho these sections, so I'd have some good darkness to work with for the shipboard lights.


5. Final Panel Highlights were done in White on each "level" of the decking, as well as a final tidy up of some of the shadow edges etc.


6. Final destroyer without lighting added.


Let me know if you have any questions. Honestly it's not the neatest way to do it, or nicest (there are dozens in this forum nicer), but it looks great on the table!

I'll definitely be picking up another conversion kit for the Chimaera (but only painting the bridge - leaving the custom Thrawn markings).

How long did the ISD take to finish?

On 1/3/2018 at 6:20 PM, Themodalnodes said:

Thank you @melminiatures & @Thrindal !

I can never bring myself to order WSF.

Usually I won't go less than FUD (part of the reason I didn't drunkenly pull the trigger on a First Order Dreadnought over the Xmas break).
This time however I couldn't justify FUD price for terrain, so I went for the middle ground of Black Premium Strong & Flexible, and was very pleasantly surprised. The material took to the paint well and is perfect for the natural textured slug!

Mel, love the Bunkerbuster!!

I am the same about WSF. I have over a dozen ships from Mels (16, I counted after making that claim) and everything is FUD (or extreme is available). I can't get myself to sacrifice the detail to save on cost.

Edited by Salted Diamond

@Salted Diamond Just saw your collection in the other thread! Most impressive fleet! Makes me feel like I should start collating images of my collection too!

@Fallenwolf15 A few hours a couple of nights a week for about a month, so I'd probably say 15-20 by the time of overall completion.

Picked up an AF MkII on the cheap, and thought it'd be a fun one to chuck a quick paint job on (not sure when I'll ever fly it).

I went with a WWII Bomber style paint job. If it ever makes it to the table I'll fix up the shading/highlighting on the khaki panels, but for a bang out she's done.




I'm lying in wait for Wave 7. I have an ISD 1 conversion kit en route for the Chimaera, and the Scarif Shield gate (and also some Resistance Bombers cos man I love that ship design!)

Stay tuned!

Couple of shots of my very quick Chimaera ISD I conversion.
Will circle back on this soon to do the turrets & running lights as per my last ISD I, but for now I'm off to the US for 2 weeks!

Got rid of the classic FFG mismatched panels (looks way better as a fresh ship of the line)




Edited by Themodalnodes

That's just perfect. I love it. Do you mind if I tweet it?

7 hours ago, melminiatures said:

That's just perfect. I love it. Do you mind if I tweet it?

Of course @melminiatures ! Always welcome! Glad you like it!