Couple of things found on the interwebs:
There was a whole minute dedicated to the Ruthless Strikers at the UK System Open (just shy of the one hour mark) on the 186th Podcast.
Phrases used include "terrifying" and "genius".
I am most pleased.
Also, just finished watching some Gold Squadron recordings of the Texas System Open.
Tyler Tippet (of Scum and Villainy podcast fame) flying Duchess + 5 against Boba Fenn.
This is good to watch from a positional/movement standpoint.
The opening moves are nice to watch and the set up for entry seems pretty good to me.
However, I want to look specifically at about 14 minutes in.
Boba is potentially glommed up in between the gas clouds and the oncoming swarm.... but all Strikers move in between the same gas clouds, rather than having Yellow exploit its out-of-formation position to close up the option to its right side.... allowing Boba to freely change his dial with Slave One and get an action.
Boba theoretically loses all shields there (more if Red didn't just eat all of Fenn's dice), may not be as effective with Cluster Mines and is in a worse position for next turn.
As it stands, Reinforce and strong dice helps Boba lose just the one shield.
Edit for start of the Gold Squadron replay, Further Edit for Scum and Villainy podcast