Has there been any news of any future updates or expansions, paid or otherwise?
I am new to Descent and the app and I am curious to what degree this app is being actively developed.
Has there been any news of any future updates or expansions, paid or otherwise?
I am new to Descent and the app and I am curious to what degree this app is being actively developed.
It's been a little while since we've had any news about the app. Last article was in January about a new campaign.
Welcom to the game! Even if you plan to play the app mostly or exclusively, there is a lot of stuff for the game, that would take a while to get through.
Since you are new I hate to breakt the illusion for you, but direct communication between anyone from FFG and their paying customers is the last thing you will ever find in this or any other forums.
Unfortunately FFG as a company has decided that sitting in their ivory tower is their way of doing business.
The only way to get a word from an actual FFG employee is to write your questions to the support.
But I can also guarantee you, that they will never comment on things like upcoming content that has not been officially announced, and that´'s if you even get an answer.
I´'m going a bit off topic now:
If I come over as bitter, that's because I am. After buying my first FFG Games and realizing how high the overall production value and refinement of them are, I was really impressed by the company.
But years of seeing how bad FFG handles a lot of things, have left me very disillusioned.
Some examples are: the joke that current official Descent FAQ is, the lack of support for the Quest Vault, their extremely slow and cumbersome localization process which leads to release delays of usually 9 months to 18(!) months, no communication about the EoL of game lines, the increasing trend of shipping expansions with less content for the same or higher prices as well as the complete lack of communication with their fanbase.
They should at least have the financial power to hire a few community managers.
I still like FFGs games and will continue to enjoy them, but I deleted my "FFG Fan" badge on BGG months ago.
The fact that they have been bought by Asmodee doesn't help
Thanks. I have a lot of KS games on the way but the app with Descent will be a nice summer diversion. If there was a known expansion for the app coming I might have picked it up in advance but oh well.. we will stick to the base game and Nerekhell for now.
I hope they release more expansions for the app but with Gloomhaven and Massive Darkness a few months away it's not huge deal either way.
@Erroll I don't know if you saw it, but Zaltre posted a list of all the releases/announcements for Descent in the Future of 2nd Edition thread. It's helpful to get an idea of the previous release pace of the game.
My beliefs about Descent 2e are as follows:
I think that the recent lack of news is more a case of turning down the fire hose
I think that the Descent line is middle-aged at least. I don't think it is quite ready for retirement, but it's coming.
They released a lot of stuff for the app in only 6-7 months. There may not have been news since December, but holy cow. Two campaigns and a Delve mode in 7 months! (Now 12.5, but wow.)
But I do agree that if you do not intend to play the standard mode of the game, then it is wise to avoid making other purchases until you know if the app will have further support.
Edited by LightningclawI didn't, I will look it up, thanks.
The app looks like a good way to goose sales of expansions for an older game.