Best map for TEW 1st ed

By PadreBoniface, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Recently I came into possession of all TEW 1st edition books and I am planning to run it using 3rd edition rules (or Genesis, we shall see). However, with the set of books, I only received the map of Middenheim. While reading the materials I have a feeling that what my group will be missing most is the map of Empire/Reikland for the Death on the Reik part of the campaign. Do you have any suggestions on solving this problem? Should I print a part of Gitzmann Super-Huge or another one? Will I need hexes? Is there any other map in the web you could suggest as a solution?

I've converted TEW 1ed to 3ed on the fly when playing with my group. We mostly used Gitzmanns Super Huge map (on an iPad). So I'd probably print parts of that if I wanted a print copy. :)

I've been playing Warhammer since first edition came out. I've enjoyed all of the editions. FFG's 3rd edition was a phenomenal approach to the storytelling. While there were aspects that I thought were lacking, I enjoyed (and still enjoy and play monthly) the speciality dice mechanic, the story telling with the dice and overall mechanics. I will miss the 3e and the fact that it will not be continuing. I am excited however to see C7's take on it.

Edited by Aknorian