Runewars faction ideas

By Elvenwisdom, in Runewars Painting and Modeling

So i posted this on wrong area but i want to see gargantuan figures for the game! What do you think? What kind of figures would be good for this in your opinions? Also need dwarves....

The pamphlets have an undead dragon art in the learn to play. Also some kind of Griffin rider is in the lore guide. That's a good start, maybe some kind of flying insect knight for elves and winged demon for uthuk.

Maybe a huge treant for the elves. Maybe an ogre?

I am not feeling adding expensive large epic units that I will probably only use twice. Not to mention it would be a pain to manufacture for FFG.

That depends on size and function. They dont have to be huge. But they could be a good staple piece if done right.

So i hear dwarves are in the lore but im new to it are the drunken beardmen still around in the lore? Or maybe they could return for the war if they were gone.... Anyway dwarf army would be good. Nothing like an axe wielding beard. I want the elf army ( elvenwisdom) love ranged and the nature theme. They need shapeshifter piece like a druid or werewolf or werebear might be tricky to incorporate but if done right would be cool. Im sure flying pieces will be available someday cool to have hunters with hawks in my army. Okay thats enough for now! Too much typing!