Anyone else play with just the monster counters and not the minis?

By Ken on Cape, in Mansions of Madness

I did this because when I started to base the minis, some of the legs would get bent because FFG made them so that only the thin leg would have the part that goes into the base.

Any advice on how to base the minis good for someone that isn't really good at it?

Also, I think there is a major issue with my Dunwich Horror mini and base, the pegs are way off from the holes in the base, even if i do the hot water trick, both pegs can't line up.

Base: file the peg so it doesnt fit the base, but not too lose, then super glue. Make sure to also file the bottom of the peg to line up with the base, so glue doesn't overflow. While applying, also make sure glue doesn't make it past the peg. Try to glue face down, making sure you hold the mini to the base.

Try any nail file if you don't have anything smaller.

Dunwich horror: it it is like the star spawn that is made of many glued pieces, you can unglue them and reglue them with the proper alignment this time. It is probably during shipping and maybe not enough cure time that the limbs rotate. As to how to take it out in the first place, i don't know.

In my case, my star spawn also had mismatched alignment, but it wasn't that far and i forced them to the base (they have some give when pushing them). But ultimately i just took them off base - the big minis don't need the bases to stand up, and they take way too much space anyways.

I play with just tokens representing the monsters and dice representing the investigators. No need to burn extra time in "search mini, find mini, place mini, move mini". Honestly, this game would still be awesome even if we just had cardboard chits for monsters, and the price would be halved... and for those who want the minis, they could be sold separately...

Edited by Julia

I have the monsters in trays so they are easily accessible. Only the core for now, so it is trivial to store, find and place them. I'm worried about storage and fiddling with them once i get more expansions though.

I had to do the same thing that falveryn did but I had a jeweler's drill that I used to open the holes a bit more. The superglue works well, but I would suggest for a more permanent fix to use plastic glue, as it will create a chemical weld between the minis and the base. Once they were on the bases, I just put a black base coat on the base and minis in preparation for painting. Still haven't gotten around to that yet after almost 6 months though...

I hate the minis and don't like to paint figs, so I use the counters exclusively and am very happy doing so.

I just use the cardboard monster tiles. I use the plastic investigator minis and Ive purchased a few of the pre-painted ones. Works great and looks great.

I use the cardboard tokens not because of basing issues with the miniatures but because I think it makes the board less messy. I have little wooden stands that I found on etsy that hold them upright so they don't get overlooked on the board.

I did all the bases in GREENSTUFF and used a texture roller over top then pressed the mini in when soft to make imprint (Gluing the figure into the imprint). Then used super glue everywhere I could often adding rocks and other debris to meet parts of the minis giving it a lot more stability. For that priest of Dagon I based him on a small ziggurat made out of cork and ran a pin up through him to hold him stable. The most difficult to me was those children of the goat. I added GREENSTUFF vines under her back foot to give me a second contact point. Lastly I made a foam core tray so I don't dump them in a box all the time and break them off. This is an older photo of what I got going on. I think the foam core tray is the way to go. Putting this thing away is what wrecks it.


I'd upload a new one but as far as I can tell there is no way to gain more data for other photos.


I personally don't much care for the miniatures at all, and feel that game looks far better and cleaner without them. Also, storage takes up WAY less space without miniatures (I also use card tokens for the investigators), and I can recoup some of the cost of the various expansions by selling off the minis that I have no use for.

I love using minis in my games, just not these minis.

I have no problem with the investigators but the monsters are horrible.

Any mini can be vastly improved with a little love and a nice coat of paint. But if you are not into mins then yeah tokens ahoy!!!

We played last night using just the monster tokens; typically we use the minis. However since the minis were not already in the bases, and we and to find the minis & bases, etc. we just went with tokens. Can't say it hurt the theme or action any. We do use the investigator minis all the time. Sad to say that I can pick out Jenny Barnes, Harvey Wlters and Ashcan Pete from a line up 30 feet away, without even hesitating.

After I bought the game and played it, I was a bit confused about the minis.

First of all, the quality of minis in board games have gone up quite a bit over the last few years, and the ones you get in MoM are not really all that impressive. But I guess having minis will make the game more appealing to some (well, me at least since I like painting minis!)
Secondly, having the relevant info for each mini on a double-printed cardboard card, inserted into a base makes the minis take up an inordinate amount of space on the tabletop (the amount of space the minis take up both on and off the table with their bases is pretty staggering!), not to mention that you actually have to pick the mini up and turn it around to see the relevant info (why? The game is played with an app! The info should be available there!).
Third is that buying a bag of FFG plastic door stands and inserting the monster cards in there would save both production cost, game hassle and board clutter instead of having minis.

I play with painted minis on clear bases, with the cardboard cards in a separate system. Mainly because I think it looks nice (it did not look nice with the huge black bases though!).

I dunno, the problem is that the minis don't really improve the game in any way, while at the same time making the game harder to play and less visually appealing.
The Investigators have good bases, and the monsters should come with similar bases (like Descent 2ed for example).
The monster info should be easily seen in the App, in the monster tab (each corner of the monster portrait at the bottom and when you interact with it should have the relevant value for strength, horror and perception for example).

Really, the cardboard monster cards should only be relevant for someone who does not want to use the minis (perhaps to make the game more compact or similar).
I really wish they would add the Monster stats in the app, it's sooo annoying that it's not available there. :(

Edited by totgeboren

I would have preferred minis and cards like you get in Imperial Assault. The card off to the side with all the info (or in the app), and the mini on a small base that doesn't clutter the board. The worst experience was the one game we tried to run from a bunch of monsters and got stuck in a room. All the monsters followed us in and there was no space.

I would have loved to have the same as neosmagus with IA cards for the monsters as well, but I think the reasoning they had was "Why change the way all of the models are since 1st edition was done this way, make 2nd edition the same." It probably saved them money for not having to change up the molds in any way. Plus it makes it easier to reuse the 1st ed parts for 2nd ed.

I rebased the minis onto clear Litko bases, and it is a world of difference visually! I'm not saying they're the best gaming minis out there or anything, but they've gone from "meh" to "nice!" with just that one change -- the ugly black squares are a big part of what detracts from their appearance IMO. So after doing that, I always use the minis, and happily so.

There is a Kickstarter starting on the 22nd October called "the ancient evil" I have no idea if it'll be any good but it does contain nice mythos miniatures that could replace some of the models that ship with MOM. You can see some of the minis on their Facebook page.

My group just uses bases, but I make them get out the big figures like the Dunwich Horror when they're called for.

We don‘t use any of the miniatures. For the monsters we use the tokens and for the investigators we use wooden gaming pieces.