Painting Log - Fossilized Waiqar

By oda204, in Runewars Painting and Modeling

Hello everybody! This will be my painting log. As I finish units/trays i'll be adding them to this post. Up first, a few color scheme tests.





The final image with the green robed Necromancer is the one that I like the best. It still needs a few tweaks, but this way a very quick color scheme test, so I skipped a whole lot of steps to get good blends, etc.

The other thing I experimented around with is Iron Oxide paint, with a catalyst to accelerate rust. That's actual rust on the armor and weapons. I absolutely love the texture! Fortunately there's enough armor on most of the models to really showcase it. I might still tweak around with some of the highlight/lowlights, but overall I'm pretty happy with the result. Up next, Carrion Lancer/s!

Edited by oda204

Fossils? I like it! Very creative! I think the fossil theme would come through better if the Necromancer had a different skin tone. Since the Necromancer is alive and has flesh, it doesn't make much sense for him to be the same color as the skeletons. That actually gave me pause at first. I read the title and thought, "Fossils? What does he mean by that?" But because the Necromancer was brown, too, I didn't immediately pick up on the idea that the brown skeletons were fossils.

The rust effect is also very cool!

Agreed, the Necromancer was mostly pulled for fabric color testing. I own 3 and have yet to ever use one in a game, so it was a safe test model.