Scoring NPC Favor's

By khalcory, in Android

1. My first question was if NPC favors counted as victory points at the end of the game. For example, lets say Human First is linked to the conspiracy at the end of the game causing all street favors to be worth 1 victory point. You have 1 Mr. Li token being worth 1 victory point at the end of the game, because he provides street favors as well as the other three. I now believe this to be true after rereading the scoring example at the end of the rulebook.

2. Now let's say Human First and The Mining Bosses are connected to the conspiracy at the end of the game. (Corp and Street favors +1 VP) Does 1 Mr. Li token now give you 2 VP? 1 for the street favor and 1 for the corp favor, or does he give you 1 VP, you choose the favor he counts for? (This meaning you would choose the conspiarcy/favor that has the most links making it worth more.)

1) Yes.

2) You would score 2VPs (so it is possible to score up to 16VPs per Mr Li favour, though this is unlikely).

16VP, meaning 4 links to each conspiracy, making each favor worth 4? Yeah, that seems impossible, thank you for the info.

Wow. I'm surprised. First post I read from Lizard where he doesn't end with some personal ad !! like "Fed up with these questions ?! Want a real kickin ass game ?! Come and join me !! Cheap !! Buy !! Click on my sign !! Awesome !!" (*big dude voice said*)

:D just teasing you, man ;)

I mostly try to let the hideousness of the game speak for itself. lengua.gif