Epic 1500 point game

By ImperialCaptain2017, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

My local game store had a month long competition called "The Corellian Campaign" where players of FFG's SW miniatures games could register with the Rebellion, the Empire, or the "Scum". Each game of Armada, IA, or X-Wing would earn points for the winning player's faction, and the members of the faction that won at the end would receive store credit and/or prizes.

The Armada finale went like this: The top 3 Rebel and Imperial Armada players would face off, and each player brought 500 points of ships. As you might imagine, this took a while to set up :) . Then, we played a seven-round game that followed the Corellian Conflict finale rules (basically, super Hyperspace Assault)

My team (Empire, of course) brought:

2 ISD-2s, an ISD-1, a VSD-2, a GSD (w/Demolisher), 2 Arquitenses, 2 Raider-1s, an Interdictor, 4 Gozantis, and a bucketload of squadrons (29 total, including 4 Lambdas , some bombers, and a massive Howlrunner/Soontir/Mauler/Ciena ball of TIEs).

The Rebels brought:

4 MC80s (2 Home One type, 2 Liberty type), 2 Assault Frigates, 2 GR-75s, a Pelta, an MC30, a CR90, and a bunch of B-Wings, X-Wings, and VCX-100s with some E-Wings to cover.

First, my Imperial comrades George and Michael went down the middle and left side with 2 ISDs (the other one was in hyperspace) while my support ships held the right flank. The Rebels (Wayne, Jose, and Chandler) countered with three of their 4 MC80s, holding 1 in reserve, as well as deploying their AF2s in a broadside line.

Ackbar on Home One went down pretty quick thanks to Jonus's auto-accuracy and Boba Fett on a bombing run, followed up by a double-arc shot from an ISD. My VSD dropped out of hyperspace and obliterated one of their AF2s (Gallant Haven + Adar Tallon, etc), and a couple flotillas flew into asteroids to the great amusement of both sides. Then the squadrons all ran into each other, and our fighters started shredding X-Wings.

Their MC80s and our ISDs traded fire for a while, until eventually their reserve MC80 and our ISD came out of hyperspace around turn 4ish. The MC80 took out an Arquitens and a Gozanti, and then the ISD deleted the CR90 and a flotilla. We lost 2 ISDs, but by then we had weakened the MC80s enough to kill one of them. Then the Interdictor went down, but we were able to clean up another MC80 because of it.

Meanwhile, our Raiders were pounding the last AF2 into oblivion, the last MC80 was chasing my VSD, their Pelta and MC30 ran away from the ISD, and their bombers were steadily picked off by our fighters until in Round 7 it was clear they weren't going to win this one.

The score turned out Empire 1080, Rebels 700. It was an epic game if there ever was one, and totally worth the 10 hours it took to set up, play, and take down.

However, in X-Wing the Scum won (big surprise) and in IA the Rebels won, so the final score for the factions is still being worked on. Hoping for final victory for the Empire!

(NB: Pictures are from various times in Round 4-Round 7)





Hmmm! @ImperialCaptain2017 I now know where you hide on these forums and know who you are!!

Edited by Brikhause

Took around six hours, didn't it? But a glorious six hours.

So apparently the Scum pulled off the faction victory. At least it wasn't the REBEL scum :)

One of our Empire players got the individual grand prize of $150 in store credit, though. Congrats George!