Overlooking a potential theme

By Cynthorus, in Genesys

So lots of people have made some great suggestions for FFG IPs that could become theme books and I really hope FFG are taking note;

L5R, Android, Runebound all great suggestions but guys I want a Hey That's my Fish book!

My six year old nephew might go for that!

How about Space Above and Beyond or Cadfael?

Coronation Street! No wait! I meant Doctor Who and Farscape.

How about Sesame Street or Fraggle Rock?

To Robin's point above. The cool thing about this system is that we have seen that you can play very social games. I mean, what's to stop this system from being able to handle a Downton Abby style game? I'm all for less actiony, and more social games. I'm not sure if I'd be down for that unless I knew the GM's style and trusted them to be able to make it exciting... but the system has the chops to be able to handle it...

I mean, the Dowager Countess uses insulting barrage tallent... you suffer 5 Strain damage... and are now panicked... I'd leave her to her study, if I were you. Also, please note, she has yet to raise her voice....

Generic systems generally function on the concept of covering "Genres" as opposed to "themes". So Runebound is covered by fantasy, as would Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, or anything of the sort. I suspect this game will be the same, so the genre coverage they have pretty much covers most genres.

Some I see not getting the coverage they should are superheros and wild west but really that remains to be seen. Right now opinions are forming based on 2 fairly vague articles. Its nothing to hang your hat on.

Once I joked about running a My little pony 5e game. I thought everyone knew it was a joke until several people sent me messages asking when the game was going to start. Maybe I'll do a one shot using Genesys, lol.

2 hours ago, Farnir said:

You mean like http://ponyfinder.net/ ?

Hell, it's even official:

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor tails of equestria

Achtung Cthulhu style setting but with more Doctor Who?

Had planned a game set in the above involving time travel shenanigans maybe this system will be easier to get running?

On 2017-07-06 at 7:25 PM, Robin Graves said:

Hell, it's even official:

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor tails of equestria

The weird thing... Hasbro owns WotC and My Little Pony, yet WotC didn't do the game.

1 hour ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

The weird thing... Hasbro owns WotC and My Little Pony, yet WotC didn't do the game.

Give them time. We might get Ponies &Princesses in a few years :D

Not sure Hasbro/wotc is that into RPgs really. They got D&D (and a few more in the past) but that's about it really. It took untill 5th edition before they finally added some MTG to D&D. (Gotta admit, I like those free Planeshift PDFs)

It feels vaguely creepy in here and... Oh. Bronies. :P

Fantasy "Quest thou to retrieve thine fish"

Steampunk: "Discover the fish in thee enemies hands and... Excelsior!"

Wierd War: "Give me that **** fish back, or it will eat you."

Modern Day: "Hey, my fish is farm raised so it does not have GMOs, but it may have mercury content that should be consumed in moderate quantities by children and pregnant women."

Sci-Fi: "Son of a bleep, the fish has a laser cannon in this one."