Genesys at Gencon?

By Ragudaddy, in Genesys

Just curious as to whether or not Genesys might be available to demo or *gasp* purchase at Gencon?

First time I meet a time traveler, I'll ask them and let you know.

Might be? Sure, it might be! Purchases seem unlikely at that time, but a demo? Definitely maybe.

They might have some sort of demo there, but the release is Q4. That puts it more firmly in the winter than the summer.

Demo is certainly possible, as they had demos of EotE at the same GenCon that they announced they were doing a Star Wars RPG.

But given the book is slated for a Q4 2017 release, and FFG's shipping schedules of late seem to have books showing up either late in the anticipated quarter or in the subsequent quarter, the likelihood of them having books for sale at GenCon are pretty slim.

As of today, June 30, there is no FFG hosted demo that I could find.

For their unreleased games, they typically do 30 minute demos in the dealer's hall. They aren't scheduled.

1 hour ago, kaosoe said:

For their unreleased games, they typically do 30 minute demos in the dealer's hall. They aren't scheduled.

You betcha there will be a tweet and whatnot about it, though!