Super Speed Painted Waiqar

By seraphsong, in Runewars Painting and Modeling

Not the best photo, but a quick peak at my Waiqar! I went with my take on the studio scheme.

Going for the fastest speedjob I can do and have it still look decent. Takes roughly one hour per base.

Speedpainted Waiqar.JPG

Look good to me, speed painted or not.

One hour per figure, or tray?

One hour per tray - drying time not included.

Wow. That is impressive speed. If you hadn't told me how fast you went, I wouldn't even suspect this was painted so quickly. Solid work!

Thanks, Parakitor!

The secret is in the faces. The whole model is sprayed with Army Painter bone primer, then I apply VMA silver to all the metals. P3 Murderous Magenta hits the purple bits, and P3 Wyrm Green on the green torso action. P3 Gun Corps Brown on the leather and wrappy bits, and P3 Rucksack Tan on the shields and weapon shafts. Cover it all with some Army Painter Strong Tone Wash.

The magic is then to pick out the teeth with P3 Morrow White, and the eyes, then I use Secret Weapon Green Wash on the eyes for the glow.

Bases are just sand applied before priming (I use paver's sand, $4 for 50 lb. at Home Depot), basecoat with P3 Battlefield Brown, Drybrush it with P3 Menoth White base, and again with P3 Menoth white highlight. Add a little static grass, and we're done!

5 hours ago, seraphsong said:

One hour per tray - drying time not included.

That's super impressive. They look really good. I'm at like 6 hours, still haven't finished my batch of 8 spearmen.

On 6/21/2017 at 6:44 PM, Glucose98 said:

That's super impressive. They look really good. I'm at like 6 hours, still haven't finished my batch of 8 spearmen.

Thanks, mate! I just wish I could find more time to work on them. Between work, relationship, and other hobbies - miniatures often fall on the backburner.

Very effective, especially for the time spent. Nice one

It would be helpful to some new painters to share your recipe. Are you willing to do that?