Placing monsters

By timberwolfprime, in Road to Legend

I'm just getting into Descent and Road to Legend but I am loving it so far! I ran across a question though when placing monsters. During the intro campaign, the app instructed me to place "1 cave spider". Does this mean literally only ONE cave spider or one group of cave spiders. I faintly recall the app using the word group at other times. I played it as putting down a whole group but figured I would check with the community. Thanks for the help and happy exploring!

1 cave spider = 1 cave spider, a master if possible.

"Cave spiders" = a group of cave spiders.

Thanks for clearing that up for me! About half way through the quest I was pretty much overrun!

On 16-6-2017 at 11:27 AM, timberwolfprime said:

Thanks for clearing that up for me! About half way through the quest I was pretty much overrun!

Not sure if I am inferring too much here, but remember to adhere to monster group limits. So you only place additional monsters if you have not reached the group's limit for the number of Heroes you are playing with.

And, as noted, if the master monster is not in play, always place him first (again, if group limit allows). the Nerekhall campaign, on the first map, the first monster placement says "place 1 master rat swarm as shown" yet when the Rat Swarms activate it shows information for Minion Rat Swarm and players need to click on the tab "all minions activated" before they can get to the screen that says "Master Rat Swarm" and they need to click both these windows before they can click "all rat swarms activated" so it gives players the impression that you have master and minion rat swarms on the map.

also, when you free the dude in the cell your instructed to "place 1 master Ironbound as shown" yet when the Ironbound gets activated it gives you a window for "The wardens assistant", then "minion Ironbound" and when you go to defeat the Ironbound you have the option of "defeat unique" and "defeat group" and when you defeat the unique you still get the information for master Ironbound and minion Ironbound and you need to defeat group before they are off the screen.

probably just a glitch in the program. i understand this....BUT its activity without purpose, its activity that is required and this required activity it confuses the question how how many monsters get placed. while its a small matter its clunky to play when you need to click through windows that have no purpose.

perhaps someone is working on this glitch? or...perhaps it means this.....

when instructed to place the master rat swarm, its implied or understood from some rule on some page of the rule book, that you place the master rat swarm and the minion rat swarm respecting group limits of course. it might also mean place the Ironbound group and one of them has extra hit points, and when the unique with extra hit points is killed he becomes a regular master Ironbound?

again, probably just a glitch in the matrix but if the windows pop up and they require you to cycle through them it confuses the question of how many monsters to place at any given moment when instructed. if it instructs one rat swarm the windows should only display and instruct information for 1 master rat swarm. and in the case of this unique Ironbound, it should only display and instruct information and windows that have purpose and that only apply to the single unique Ironbound - not a potential 3 Ironbound (The Unique, the master after the unique is defeated and a minion).

again, I agree you place what it says and its that simple. 1 master rat swarm or 1 unique master Ironbound = 1 master rat swarm or 1 master Ironbound with extra health. . so...if its that simple....why does the app not play that way? i realize the app is only as smart as the persons that programmed it...but do the people that program these games actually play them? maybe if they did little things like this would not come up? or maybe if they had players play test them BEFORE they release them little things like this wouldn't come up? or perhaps the plan is to produce the APP, wait for player comment, fix things like this as players bring them up?

either way. placing monsters shouldn't be this cloudy of an issue. if it says 1 master rat...why does the app not play as 1 master rat? again, right now its activity without purpose. we could do better. yes? again, not trying to bash, trying to encourage to do better. although...this app is already pretty cool...IMO.

Edited by clwillcox

It always shows rules for minions even if no minions are placed, I believe because some abilities can replace a master with a minion etc.

On 24/8/2017 at 11:55 PM, 10355ts said:

It always shows rules for minions even if no minions are placed, I believe because some abilities can replace a master with a minion etc.

Also, I guess, because the app doesn't always know if there are minions, masters or both.

In the tutorial it specifically tells you that it will display both minion and master screens regardless of whether either exist.

Presumably, this is simply because the app doesn't differentiate between them with regard to that monster group being defeated, so both could exist up until that point.

For those exclusions such as the op's example it probably didn't seem worth their while to have the app run into specifics.