
By Thunder in the East, in CoC General Discussion

Does anyone know anything about the situation on servitors? Do they even exist anymore? I'd like to become a servitor and the local store says ok but I can't find a link to fill the application.

Thunder in the East said:

Does anyone know anything about the situation on servitors? Do they even exist anymore? I'd like to become a servitor and the local store says ok but I can't find a link to fill the application.

We're lucky if there will be a tournament program :-)

Anyway, I think we've just to wait until the core set is out. That will be the new start (is the same thing that happened for AgoT).

Patience, my friend, patience.

Stars will be right soon.

he Organized Play programme for AGOT was published.

and i am rally surprised about it - in a positive manner.

have a look here:

i guess we can assume, that things will be very similar for COC!

Thunder in the East said:

Does anyone know anything about the situation on servitors? Do they even exist anymore? I'd like to become a servitor and the local store says ok but I can't find a link to fill the application.

You'll find the servitor sign-up form right here .

you cant do anything wrong to get registered there.

however, in AGOT you had to register again, when the new OP program started today.

that storyline league looks like tons of fun. i hope coc gets something like that. and they even mentioned promo cards as swag.......

thorondor said:

he Organized Play programme for AGOT was published.

and i am rally surprised about it - in a positive manner.

have a look here:

i guess we can assume, that things will be very similar for COC!

Thanks for the heads up thorondor.

I don't have any interest in AGOT but their OPP seems top notch.

You have a good point in that CoC's OPP should be quite similar.

I've always found the 'story line' type of play to be very exciting!

Like others I find the mention of promo cards very important.

We should be next in line for a similar announcement.

While all this is encouraging and very good news the foundation is

the flavor and playability of the new cards and the over all

pool (only white bordered?). I've tried to build decks including all

or just a few of the the new cards and I am struggling to produce

any desired effects. It reminds me of the meta back when the Arkham set

was all we had to build and play with. There is very little synergy and

limited themes. I am anxious to see what formats will be available and

what sets will/won't be rotated. I hope that FFGs can stick to their

release schedule of 1 AP a month. So far the difficulties in making

them available (especially in Europe) on a timely basis concerns me.

Thanks, I registerd on the old forums just in case. Hopefully there will be a new servitor program after the core set!