I have a grand total of 5 games under my belt know and I gotta say I do love blighting Daqan. I was wondering what Waiqar players are doing to generate blight. Someone more talented than me can do the probability of generating blight per unit per dice rolled but I'll just work in absolutes if that is ok.
Here are the things I have tried so far:
- Two 2x1 Archers without upgrades. Comes in a low 36pts. - Up to 2blight a turn = potentially 18pts per blight
- Two 2x1 Archers with combat ingenuity. Nearly 30% more expensive at 48pts - Up to 6 blight a turn = potentially 8pts per blight (but low odds of getting that good a roll)
- A single Carrion Lancer - 1 blight a turn but cheap at 15pts = Can guarantee 15pts per blight
Here are a few units I want to give a go:
- a single 2x1 unit of archers with combat ingenuity and with Ardus roaming the board equip them with Fire Rune - looking to use the red dice to fish for surges - 31pts for a possible 4 blights - potentially 7.75 pts per surge
- a single 2x2 with combat ingenuity and equipped with Fire Rune - 42 pts but not reliant on Ardus - 42pts ofr a possible 4 blights - potentially 7.75 pts per surge but with precise reroll.
I think that there is a diminishing returns when it comes to blight generation. Keeping 3 blight on a key enemy units seems to be a balance but I like to throw 1 or 2 on something else, hence why i like two blight batteries in my army. I think once you get past 255 of your amry focusing on blight you start to struggle to generate enough damage yourself to counteract the blight removal of Daqan.
What are peoples thoughts?