End of Round Question from "Skirmish Tournament Rules"

By --JP, in Imperial Assault Organized Play

In the "Skirmish Tournament Rules" from the IA site, page 8 (End of Round) states that:

"In the rare situation that both players have the same number of victory points at the end of the game, the player with the most victory points from defeating hostile figures wins the game (see "Defeated Figures" on page 5).

Does this point count include points from Attachments for groups that are defeated (as this would apply when all hostile figures in the group are defeated) or does it include _only_ the points from defeated figures, without counting points from Attachments?

(Not sure exactly which place to post, but as it would apply only to OP, I thought to post it here.)


As far as I remember, it is the total sum of the figure costs of the defeated figures (including the ones using the strain tokens when Reinforcements have been used). This sum does not include points from Nefarious Gains, but includes points scored from attachments (because they are scored "in addition" to the figure cost of the last defeated figure).

(I think Rules or Skirmish subforum would be best-suited forums for skirmish rules questions.)

Edited by a1bert