My Apocalypse Diary

By Pariah Longsight, in Wrath of the Gods


Today I placed an order on Amazon for all four The End of the World books. Can't wait to read them and then get going playing through the scenarios, and perhaps create some of my own. These will be recorded in diary form on Facebook:

You can find me on Twitter too: @PariahLongsight

Will post reviews of each book in each thread, though I'm aware the rules are the same.

Just got an email that Zombies, Machines and Wrath are arriving tomorrow. Can't wait to look through them!

I'm really not interested in the supernatural. So I bought this simply for the Gaia Revenge scenario, and to complete the set, without having any high expectations of liking it. So completely ignoring the Revelation scenario, the rest of the book has been surprisingly great!

While I will have a rational explanation for such creatures, I'm loving the selection of monsters including two types of dragon and giants. Already the mental juices are flowing with ideas for various scenarios, which are more along the lines of Pacific Rim Kaiju rather than Heaven or Hell. Even better is the fact I have every intention of working natural forces run amuck and animals behaving aggressive into the mix too. So many ideas from a book I thought I was going to mostly dislike.

But to begin with I'm going to stick with the revenge of the natural world. I do like a good disaster movie, it's about time I starred in my own.

I also live near a farm with cattle, and there are lots of birds in those trees. So if the weather and tectonics don't get me, the birds and cows will. Knew I shouldn't enjoy beef burgers!

I've set up a blog for when I begin gaming:

Edited by Pariah Longsight

Deleted blog.

I'm almost ready to try out my first game. My brother has decided he wants to give it a go so I've got the beginnings of a group. But the seeming lack of interest in it here and across social media means I'll just enjoy the games in private.

Hope The End of the World gets more popular in the future. Perhaps if FFG ever loses it's Star Wars license there'll be people looking for a new RPG experience. I'm even thinking of adapting this to Star Wars. Shouldn't be too difficult.