Rogue Trader Errata

By Savage5, in Rogue Trader


Aye, I think there should be limits put on the teleportarium, like "can only be used once per strategic round" or "can't be used through shields" or something. At present, it really could do with a few limits put in place.

Both are good suggestions and get my support.

One of the most iconic moments of 40K history is the Battle of Terra where the final confrontation between the Emperor and Horus happened aboard the Warmasters Battlebarge. The Emperors teleport assault was only possible because Horus dropped the shields of his ship.

Lupus Cortez said:

Little Dave said:

Don't forget bonuses (and penalties) cap at 70.

Where did you find this rule?

I know about the +/-60 rule for attacking modifiers, but not for any other skill tests.

In DH, the +/-60 rule applied to all modifiers for all tests. From the wording of the same bit in RT, despite it being in the combat section for modifiers, it does only say "for tests", not "for attacks".

On table 8-12: critical hits

please clarify when a component is damaged and it states that the component may only be repaired in the void does limit when the component may be repaired? Can this type of component be repaired in combat or must it be repaired when the ship is docked? Currently we are treating it as repair crews can wear void suits and repair in combat.

Jam Communications (p218) states that you can target a ship at long range of the vessel. How is this range determined?

In the "past histories" table on pg 198, the wording of item #8, Temperamental Warp Engines, is vague and misleading. The second sentence reads: "...the journey takes an additional 1d5 weeks, ...the travel time is reduced 1d5 weeks instead (potentially causing the ship to arrive before it left!)." I believe it should read: " additional 1d5 weeks pass in real-space while the ship is making it's journey, ...1d5 weeks are removed from the amount of time that passes in real-space while the ship is making it's journey instead (potentially causing the ship to arrive before it left!)."

I realize tat distinction might ave been clear to a lot of you, but, I'll be damned if I wasn't laboring under a slight misconception that the 1d5 week change effected time experienced by the crew and, thus, their usage of supplies until a roll came up were they would have arrived before they left. I couldn't quite wrap my brain around how the PCs could experience -5 days without copious amounts of insanity points. It was then that I realized the time of the journey mentioned was referring to the amount of time that passed in real-space, not in the warp. I don't know if I'm the only one who's made that mistake or not, for a good few months (the amount of time they have been cooped up on that ship for relatively short jaunts!), but just in case I'm not, it might be a good clarification to make.

I see that someone mentioned the lack of a +20 to the Navigation (Warp) skill, it is also missing for Navigation (Stellar), though in Rank 5 of the class, you may take Talented (Nav(Warp)). But I see no resolution of ideas on how to handle this. I do not think it unreasonable for GM's to House Rule it to the third Rank of the class even though it does throw off their balance of skills and talents through out one's career. Considering how hard these Navigation rolls will be, boosting the skill should be allowed as such.

With all the other things that allow you to get to +20 on skills throughout all the classes, this should be an easy fix.

In the Armoury section of the Core Rule Book, the Customised Weapon Special Quality is listed on page 115.

I am unable to find this quality listed against any of the weapons, and had presumed that it would be a weapon upgrade. However it is not listed there either.

Would be good to see rules for this in the Weapon Upgrade Section.

Armoured Prow, this is a design ubiquitous to Imperial ship design since Battlefleet Gothic and they fairly much all have foraward batteries and lances. I don't really see a need for it to restrict the ships weapons.

I can't off the top of my head think of any Imperial ship in Gothic that has both an armoured prow and prow weapons that are not torpedoes or a nova cannon.

Little Dave is correct in this. While most cruisers and carriers in BFG possess armoured prows, the only Imperial warships that possess prow gun batteries or lances specifically do not have armoured prows. Same holds true for BFG Armada.

Do NPC stats include SB?

I can't find it specifically stated anywhere as in DH and its supplements.

Some inconsistancies I noticed.

1) How long does it take for a ship to warp out of a system? If I am in combat and NEED to warp in order to survive, can I do it in 1 turn or does it take more? If its too fast than what is the point of combat because if a ship is in trouble they just warp away but if it takes too long and a gamemaster miscalculates a battle (sends 3 ships against us) I would like to hope that it doesn't take 20 turns.

2) Under the "Tainted" background you can choose to a Mutation from a list of Mutations or roll randomly. Why do you not also get corruption points? I could purposely choose Ravaged Body and collect a total of 5 mutations and have no corruption as a result of it. Seems a bit wacky. For 200 exp player "A" rolls up the following mutations after selecting Ravaged Body (this allows me to even roll up +75 results and above).

a) Hideous Strength

b) Necrophage

c) Winged

d) Multiple Appendages

e) Shadow Kin

Normally these Mutations would be gained at a minimum of 30 (31 according to the chart) corruption points through the normal means. I would suggest that 5 correption points be allocated to the character at creation for each Mutation that they have.

3) It is unclear to me whether the Astropath can get 3 or 5 Psychic powers at creation. It says he gets Astral Telepathy plus 2 of his choice from the telepathy discipline. Can he also purchase two with his starting experience? In what order does this occur if it does? Can I purchase Delude and Inspire, then choose Compel and Sensory Deprivation as my two free ones? What if I also had the Wyrdling Mutation? Could I then take Dominate and then Puppet Master? This essentially allows my starting Astropath to collect two Rank 5 techniques at character creation.

4) If I allow Elite advances in my game at what minimum level can I allow my players to collect talents not on their character tree. My Astropath wants to get two weapon wielder (Melee) and Dual Strike. Can I take them both as Rank 1 enhancements? Seems silly if I can. I know its a GM perogative but I think a hard fast rule would be better to place here. Otherwise my character may get accepted in some campaigns and not others. I would like him to be accepted in all campaigns. This a general issue with all talents not just the ones I mentioned.

Gibbenzgob said:


2) Under the "Tainted" background you can choose to a Mutation from a list of Mutations or roll randomly. Why do you not also get corruption points? I could purposely choose Ravaged Body and collect a total of 5 mutations and have no corruption as a result of it. Seems a bit wacky. For 200 exp player "A" rolls up the following mutations after selecting Ravaged Body (this allows me to even roll up +75 results and above).

a) Hideous Strength

b) Necrophage

c) Winged

d) Multiple Appendages

e) Shadow Kin

Normally these Mutations would be gained at a minimum of 30 (31 according to the chart) corruption points through the normal means. I would suggest that 5 correption points be allocated to the character at creation for each Mutation that they have.


4) If I allow Elite advances in my game at what minimum level can I allow my players to collect talents not on their character tree. My Astropath wants to get two weapon wielder (Melee) and Dual Strike. Can I take them both as Rank 1 enhancements? Seems silly if I can. I know its a GM perogative but I think a hard fast rule would be better to place here. Otherwise my character may get accepted in some campaigns and not others. I would like him to be accepted in all campaigns. This a general issue with all talents not just the ones I mentioned.

2) Mutations are not necessarily caused by corruption. Corruption points only represent "taint of Chaos" or warp energy (see page 299), while mutation might also "result from exposure toxic pollutants" and the like (see page 368).

4) I don't know whether you really understood the idea of elite advances. Effectively, you're just asking for a common rule how to break the common rules, which does not make sense, as you might admit.

Thank you for pointing out that there are other mutation types. I personally rolled up a character with the hideous strength mutation and the necrophage one. Too me, for 200 exp, I gained a lot without losing anything. I do understand that there was a risk for doing that but... I feel like something needs to be lost. I will say that I am not dead set on this.

I do understand the Elite rules. I just disagree with them. It just seems silly that characters without certain talents or skills could effectively get them earlier than those with the same talents and skills in their trees. I do not expect an errata but hope for and alternate way of doing it sometime in the future. I am not a big fan of GM perogative but if nothing is done I will just have to come up with my own way of doing it ;) Unfortunately "My Way" might not be agreed upon by every GM. If my players get used to my rules and get "Happy" with one of my decisions they usually become very attached to whatever character concept they came up with. It just sucks, by my opinion, if another future GM "veto's" my idea for them and they can't play their character anymore just because they or I moved away.

Terelo said:

2) Under the "Tainted" background you can choose to a Mutation from a list of Mutations or roll randomly. . .

Normally these Mutations would be gained at a minimum of 30 (31 according to the chart) corruption points through the normal means. I would suggest that 5 correption points be allocated to the character at creation for each Mutation that they have.


4) If I allow Elite advances in my game at what minimum level can I allow my players to collect talents not on their character tree. . . .


2) Mutations are not necessarily caused by corruption. . .

4) I don't know whether you really understood the idea of elite advances. . .

I think the issue with the mutation is more the lack of Pro/Con in many of the rolls. Perhaps if the pick d5 mutations was moved above 75 that would prevent some of the character creation potluck. As a GM, the prospect of players rolling something like the Mental Regressive seems an unpleasant prospect for a gaming evening. Rather then letting the player re-roll until they get something playable (thus losing the point of the roll) I'd prefer a selection of mutations with a pro-con, or at least have each Mutation provide a sufficient pro in order to maintain playability of the character. . . Corpulent is a good example of the Pro/Con. This goes double for the Navigator, considering the Navigator's mutations are part of the class. . . Elongated Form and Withered Form both seem to be lacking their Pro.

Understandably the game expects a certain maturity of the player, to accept the bad along with good. . . to roll with the roll as it were. But as a GM, I frankly dread the idea of an Astropath player trying to "soldier on" with a willpower and intelligence of 5 then I am of the player who complains. I can and will overrule such rolls. . . but would prefer not to have to. Personal design choice perhaps, but I dislike effectively killing a player for acquiring 30 or so corruption. . . let alone before the character has even finished being built.

Perhaps expanding the use of Fate points. Spending or even Burning one to prevent ending the player's character with a mutation roll.

As for Elite Advances. . . A few guidelines/suggestions on when and how much would be appreciated. Personally I am new to GM'ng this system and that sort of thing would be helpful in my adjudication. Having GM'd class based systems (SW Saga{R.I.P.}, D&D), and non-Classed based systems (Shadowrun, WoD) this system lies somewhat in between. I like it, but would like to read some discussion from the creators about their ideas of Players personalizing their careers. Why a career gets a certain talent at certain levels would also be much appreciated. This way I can minimize the Arch-Militant who sidetracks into telepathy from making the astropath in the group lose that special feeling.

I am really liking the system. Kudos

Katsue said:

Anyway, more career errata and concerns:

I'd really like to emphasize the points Katsue is making here. Some of the decisions about what skills to give at what rank are baffling to me.

The biggest one seems to be the utter uselesness of Navigators in space combat until a pretty high rank, which is the most directly damaging for the players' fun.

I know mainly about problems with Void Masters, and a bit about Arch Militants and Navigators, but there are some very weird things.

Arch Militants not getting Swift Attack until rank 8 and not getting lighting attack at all is another one (masters of combat indeed...).

To emphasize the point about Void Master, over their first two ranks they get a total 24 different Skills, one of which is fellowship based fifteen of which are Int based! Their two worst advances. Making them a class that is able to do a lot of things that they are very bad at doing. Just looking at their starting skills, six out of eight are int based!

They also get Bulging Biceps (which really only helps in using heavy weapons) before they get the ability to use heavy weapons.

edit: k, having my problems with formatting here. Sorry about that

After looking over the rules in Dark Heresy for Hellguns, I've notice they is a vast difference between what is written in Rogue Trader and DH. The Hellguns models in the Inquisitors handbook have a penetration between 3 and 4... while the ones listed in RT has a pen of 7. Now, I'm not one to usually complain about a give like that, but that pen is higher then a plasma weapon. Is this intentional, or an error?

TK-4117 said:

After looking over the rules in Dark Heresy for Hellguns, I've notice they is a vast difference between what is written in Rogue Trader and DH. The Hellguns models in the Inquisitors handbook have a penetration between 3 and 4... while the ones listed in RT has a pen of 7. Now, I'm not one to usually complain about a give like that, but that pen is higher then a plasma weapon. Is this intentional, or an error?

Intentional. The AP for the tabletop Hellgun was increased a lot, so the rules in RT were changed to follow. Plasma weapons, however, have better damage, and also have the ability to be fired in Maximal mode (with +10m range, +1d10 Damage, +2 Pen) (see page 123). They also don't require a 10kg backpack to use (which the Hell-weapons do, see page 119)

The Lucius -pattern hellgun and hellpistol also lack within their description the ability to use standard charge packs if desired. The D'Laku - and both Vos s -patterns have that option within their descriptions. So you have the option for more penetration with one pattern or more versatility for ammunition use with the others. I know, small consolation, right?

-=Brother Praetus=-

More FAQ than an errata: Are the rules regarding Righteous Fury and the acquisition of the same skill twice during character creation can be considered updates of the DH rules and applied to these.

ciryon said:

More FAQ than an errata: Are the rules regarding Righteous Fury and the acquisition of the same skill twice during character creation can be considered updates of the DH rules and applied to these.


I send a mail to the FFGTeam :

> Rule Question:
> Hello
> I have Dark Heresy RPG. Recently I bought Rogue Trader and I saw
> several changes in the rules. Do these change can be used in Dark
> Heresy as well :
> - Righteous Fury : in DH, add a D10, in RT add damage dice for the
> weapon used
> - Career starting redundantsskills and talents : the redundancy case
> is covered in RT (gaining the mastey skill +10 or gaining a new
> talent) but not in DH, can it apply ?
> Thanks a lot
> Ciryon

I got this answer from R. Watson :

Hi There!

The rules for Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy are compatible, meaning
that if you want to use the Rogue Trader rules in your Dark Heresy
game, that is fine.

So ignore my previous post.

Under the present rules, the Wyrdling mutation offers only a temporary benefit concerning the increase in Psy Rating it confers relative to Astropaths (and other Psionic characters), with the exception that a character with it can forgo the XP cost of purchasing the next Psy Rating. The sum effect is that ultimately, the Wyrdling's Psy Rating will work out to be the same as an unmutated Astropath/Psyker. Is this intended, seeing as the mutation grants increased innate power? Logic suggests that this gap in Psionic power, however small, should probably remain at comparable levels of experience.


My question is Missionary on Page 57 lists Pure Faith as a starting talent but it also lists Pure Faith as the unique special ability you start with on page 72.

is this correct?

Concerning the Insanity Track p.296

There is a mistake regarding the example of Rylar Mane gaining 10 Insanity Points on the second column of the page, he should have +10 on his Trauma Test since in the table 10-19 IP have a Trauma Modifier of +10.

The second example on page 10 states that the Critical Damage suffered by Rogue Trader Sarvus knocks back Drake , the good old guardsman from DH.