[RPG 4th Edition] Empire of Emerald Stars Companion

By droidscotty, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Hi everyone!

After many hours collecting, reading and editing files,

I finally completed a compilation new rules for L5R 4th edition setting "Empire of Emerald Stars" that appeared in the "Imperial Histories 2". I give you the link below.

Empire of Emerald Stars Companion

If you want to add your clan to the book, I only need a complete description.

Enjoy your reading!

Edited by droidscotty

Good work. I'll have to admit, this isn't my cup of tea...though it is really right up the ally of one of my players (though to be sure, he loves steampunk even more I think). And I could see this working for a Star Trek style game.
I like most of your minor clans/schools concepts, though I think they might use some editing. With your permission, may I try my hand at giving a few a tune up and adapting them to fit in most settings (such as the Bear or Angler-fish)?

I'm always happy if I can make someone happy. :P

I took some inspiration from Star Trek RPG from Last Unicorn Games that I practiced some years ago but the goal was not to adapt L5R to this. I wanted to flesh out a complete setting with proper rules ratter than the simple description of context from IH2. I think that is better with this supplement.

All clans and schools are not mine: Only the Angler-fish, the Panda and the Beaver are. I found the Ibis and the Bear on internet. Feel free to edit or update the techniques. Even if I don't agree with all of your ideas, I should perhaps add them as alternate paths? I had ideas but to design techniques is not my specialty. I would like to have original techniques that fit the clan purposes but I've problems to envision them and to balance them properly.

Edited by droidscotty

Here's my take on the Bear Clan ; feel free to use whatever part of it you like, if any.
I must admit, I think the Angler-fish's school needs a huge fixer-upper. It's mechanics are fairly messy and feel unefficient, overall. I'll need to do some thinking on it before I try working with it. The Beaver's cool and works perfectly, and I could see an engineering-focused version in a normal Rokugan setting. The Ibis seems to be a bushi wanting to be a courtier (which is never a good thing in my mind), and I don't know what to think about the Panda. Where did you find the other schools anyway, if I may ask?

Edited by Samurai Fox

The Panda, Angler-fish and Beaver whole descriptions, schools and techniques are my work. It has always been simpler for me to design shugenja and monks techniques.

The Angler-fish is to the Spider what the Dragonfly is to the Dragon: A kind of emissaries but rather a smoke-screen to preserve the Spider's illicit workings. The true purpose of the small clan is to lure victims to send them to the Spider.

I think that I merely tried to complete the old Bear Clan based on this: Link . But your proposition is so much better that I simply erased the old version to replace it by your idea.

I'm nearly sure I found the description Ibis clan on this forum even if I can't retrieve this because the access has been restricted and some of the old posts archived. Their school and techniques were adapted from this site . The Ibis clan is the clan of spectacle on mass media. They represent the modern rock-stars of the rokugani culture. It's why their "bushi" are so much a kind of courtiers. Their strength have to come from their music, notoriety and celebrity rather than pure power.

Edited by droidscotty

Already done an update:

-Added the new Bear Clan with minor ads and corrections (thanks to Samurai Fox :) )

And very good ideas I found on Something Awful forums :

-A new spell (Tradition's Hammer)

-A new Advantage (Inner Gift: Sakkadu-do)

-New planets (Cradle of Ten Thousand Gods, Friendly Moon, Medinaat al-Salaam, Octavion and Shinjo's Shell)

-A description for the Ashalan Species.


Edited by droidscotty

I played L5R for several years in the past, first edition at the beginning, then second edition with pre-coup setting

I always desposed how they developed all the coup d'etat plot and consequencies, but after going further forward into the future, i guess the coup is the lesser of many many many evil x_x
Besides, i think if you whanna play in far far future several drastic change to the pre-coup setting should be made :D

I always being interested in a future version of Rokugan (i found several years ago a cyberpunk-themed adaptation) and i'm a huge fan of Star Wars, so i gave a look at this thread and at the chapter inside Imperial Histories 2

I did'nt read your work but it seems to me you worked a lot on it seems reaaaaaaaaaaaally cool :)
I hope it's also fun to play with :D

Honestly if i manage to play the game for a while i'll probably go for a classical "pre-coup" thing, but Empire of Emerald Stars are my second choice of alternative setting (i sure will not play the "canon" setting :ph34r: ) and this book will help a lot :P

So, in the end
TL, DR: great work, thanks :D
and keep the Rokugan goes far far away, where no samurai has gone before :D

Hi kelpie!

I am pleased to see that my work is still serving! It's mostly a collection and editing job even though I've written a few chapters alone (including rules about ships). Thanks a lot for your message!

I made a small correction at page 15. The slots size for the shields generators where wrong. Enjoy!

I made a small update, adding a new minor clan: the rooster clan and some text at the begin of the book. Enjoy!