Thank you! Bravo! Encore!

By locohost, in Living Card Games

I would like to say thank you, thank you, thank you, bravo and encore to the lady or gentleman that decided Warhammer Invasion cards should be "border-less". WH:I cards have truly gorgeous artwork and backgrounds and the border-less design adds -tremendously- to the beauty of the cards. Cards with ugly white or black borders pale miserably in comparison.

THANK YOU!!! aplauso.gif

locohost said:

I would like to say thank you, thank you, thank you, bravo and encore to the lady or gentleman that decided Warhammer Invasion cards should be "border-less". WH:I cards have truly gorgeous artwork and backgrounds and the border-less design adds -tremendously- to the beauty of the cards. Cards with ugly white or black borders pale miserably in comparison.

THANK YOU!!! aplauso.gif

100 % agree (but wrong forum ;) )