There will be two days of fun and games!!
Standard Constructed:
When: Saturday 27th March
Where: The Games Shop, 6 Wellington Street, Aldershot.
Time: Registration - 10:00, First Round - 11:00
Entry: £3.00
Prizes: All kinds of stuff that I have begged, borrowed and stolen.
You know the score, today is the Five Point cards tournament. Build a deck, get yer butts down here and play like you have a pair!!
Legacy Constructed:
When: Sunday 28th March
Where: Sames place
Time: Registration - 10:00, First Round - 11:00
Entry: £3.00
Prizes: More randomlly acquired thangs.
Format: Highlander using this banned list:
Current Banned list:
•:Cassandra: (SC01) - Casandra was degenerate since day one and in an even more restrictive deck building format she does not get any better.
•Enlightenment (SC01) – Card does not work as intended. Additionally if it did work as intended it still may prove to be too powerful
•Defender of the Empire (SC04) - Too powerful an effect for it’s “cost”. An argument can also be made that it while it work as intended, as discard protection, it also has unintended effects. Also enables a number of degenerate combos with too many cards.
•Higher Caliber (SC07) – Too powerful an effect for its cost. An argument can also be made that it while it work as intended, as committal protection, it also has unintended effects. Also enables a number of degenerate combos with too many cards.
•.:Zasalamel:. (SC1P) – Does not work as intended. His character ability in this format proves to be particularly broken, as the format is meant to promoted singleton gameplay and he can still get any card he desires virtually anytime.
•:Ibuki: (SF05) – Card is too powerful for “cost”. Her ability is also questionable as it combos so well with so many cards and leads to no escape situations (such as her with Red Lotus of the sun).
•Kubi Ori (SF05) – Card is too powerful for “cost”. It is basically a one card combo and with certain starting characters can be a first turn auto win.
•.:Dhalsim:. (SF3P) – Card is too powerful for “cost”. can completely shut off multiple deck types and strategies. It’s downside of having a “low vitality” is completely negated by its life gain ability.
•.:Hugo:. (SF03) – Hugos ability combined with life total degenerate in the format. Being abile to tutor 3 cards every turn in a format that promotes singleton play is not acceptable.
•Ruler of Southtown (SNK02) - Card does not work as intended. Can completely shut games down without any effort because a user can use the remove any number of counters ability when the card has 0 counters, which is not the intended function of the card.
•Broken Leg (UFS5P), Broken Arm (UFS5P), Head Trauma (UFS5P), Bleeding Internally (UFS5P) - Card(s) does not work as intended. The card was meant to prevent one attack and then have an ongoing negative effect, but because of how the damage rules work in addition to the amount of recycling and asset sacrifice a player could use the downside almost never happened. The downside of the also did not work on itself, which was unintuitive and unintentional.
•.:J Talbain:. (DS02) - Card is Broken. The character was meant to have a 2 sided, double edged sword style ability. In reality it just proved to almost always be a benefit to the owner and a large hindrance to the opponent.
•Lord of the Makai (DS02) - Card is too powerful for “cost”. Infinite combo enabler and just bluntly overpowered compared to other cards with similar effects.
•Fei Long’s Forward Kick (SF08) -Infinite combo enabler and automatic win condition. When combined with Hanzo the kick is a one card loop (as Hanzo starts in play). One has to be banned and Hanzo has a relatively better balance. If Hanzo proved to be too much this card should be reviewed because other than this degenerate combo the card is otherwise balanced.
•Li Long’s Conditioning (SC9P) - Card was never officially released, additionally it is broken and does not work within the format of the games rules. The card is often an Auto win button when drawn first turn and is particularly unfun
More details to follow.
Now go book the time off work!!!