Voidborn Faith questions

By Tassyr, in Rogue Trader

So I finally landed a game of Rogue Trader- PBP, but I'm getting into the idea. We're set to start soon and I've rolled out my Voidborn Void-master (Ah, redundancy) who'd previously lost his ship due to enemy action (So even the other voidborn think he's odd, but he credits his survival with his faith.) A man who's spent so little time on actual, natural ground that he's secretly a little terrified of the idea.

Thing is, I've usually played Dark Heresy, and usually either Mechanicus or Imperial Guard characters- so when the GM recommended we think about our characters' faiths and superstitions as part of chargen, I hit a bit of a wall.

I wanted to play up the 'voidborn' angle, and so I figured him seeing the Emperor as a protector and guide for those who travel between the stars would be a nice, fun angle. And... I have no idea what to do with this. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to treat this? Anything you've done that turned out to be particularly fun? I don't want to skimp out, but I also don't know how to expand it and the GM isn't able to access a computer for the next few days.

Edited by Tassyr

In Dark Heresy second edition there's a character expansion pdf for the core rulebook that included little things like superstitions and beliefs as well as character/home world momentos for the various worlds. Included was Voidborn.

Well, the Emperor is the beacon from which the Astronomicon shines. Without it warp travel would be much more dangerous and take much longer/not be able to get as far.