Raven-Pennon Bearer Inspiration

By TallGiraffe, in Runewars Rules Questions


so this specifies using the ability when (rules and reference 86.5) the unit activates. Can you use an Inspiration token to refresh?


13.1 • Inspiration: Before a unit with an inspiration token reveals its command tool, that token can be spent to remove one bane from that unit or to ready an upgrade card on that unit.


5 Activation Units are activated during the Activation Phase. When a player activates one of his units, he resolves the following steps in order:

5.1 Step 1—Reveal Command Tool : The player reveals his unit’s command tool by tipping it over so the icons on the dial are faceup on the play area. 5.2 Step 2—Perform Action: The unit


83.5 A “when” effect occurs at the moment that a specified event occurs and cannot occur again during that instance of the event

83.7 A “before” event occurs immediately before the specified event and cannot occur again for that instance of the event.

I think I see what you're getting at. Let's say your dial shows initiative 5, and your Raven-Pennon Bearer is exhausted. You need to spend the Inspiration token before you activate. Can you spend the Inspiration token at initiative 4 to ready the Raven-Pennon Bearer and then immediately use its ability to activate at 4?

Edited by Contrapulator

I'd say yes to exhausting Raven to activate at a different initiative, then spending an Inspiration token just before revealing the Command Dial to refresh Raven right away. Nice trick if you have a token and want to use it.

I'd say no to activating a unit, spending the token to refresh an exhausted Raven to retroactively change the initiative. What would even be the point?

24 minutes ago, Daverman said:

I'd say yes to exhausting Raven to activate at a different initiative, then spending an Inspiration token just before revealing the Command Dial to refresh Raven right away.

There might be a problem with timing in this example. Clearly, before comes before when. Spending the Inspiration token happens " Before a unit with an inspiration token reveals its command tool." Both Reveal Command Tool and Raven-Pennon Bearer's ability happen when a unit activates. Therefore, doesn't spending the Inspiration token come before using Raven-Pennon Bearer's ability?

Edited by Contrapulator
8 hours ago, Contrapulator said:

There might be a problem with timing in this example. Clearly, before comes before when. Spending the Inspiration token happens " Before a unit with an inspiration token reveals its command tool." Both Reveal Command Tool and Raven-Pennon Bearer's ability happen when a unit activates. Therefore, doesn't spending the Inspiration token come before using Raven-Pennon Bearer's ability?

Yeah, you would have to spend the token first.

It is a tricky situation as you technically cannot activate out of initiative when the upgrade is exhausted, but activating will refresh the upgrade (making it ready to use). I think this requires developer input. I could see it go either way.

What has to be remembered here is that by the time you get to 'before you reveal your command dial' you have already chosen to Activate that unit. If the Raven-Pennon Banner is already exhausted you can't choose to Activate at 1 initiative level higher or lower. If you choose to spend an Inspiration to ready the card, then you have already Activated and therefore can't use the card this Activation.

15 hours ago, Contrapulator said:

There might be a problem with timing in this example. Clearly, before comes before when. Spending the Inspiration token happens " Before a unit with an inspiration token reveals its command tool." Both Reveal Command Tool and Raven-Pennon Bearer's ability happen when a unit activates. Therefore, doesn't spending the Inspiration token come before using Raven-Pennon Bearer's ability?

The timing of spending the Inspiration token is relative to revealing the dial, not to the unit's activation. When you choose to resolve something, you then resolve all of it's related triggers. Effects resolves one at a time and nothing is simultaneous.

"Before revealing its command tool" happens during "when a unit activates" and not "before a unit activates".

3 minutes ago, WWHSD said:

The timing of spending the Inspiration token is relative to revealing the dial, not to the unit's activation. When you choose to resolve something, you then resolve all of it's related triggers. Effects resolves one at a time and nothing is simultaneous.

"Before revealing its command tool" happens during "when a unit activates" and not "before a unit activates".

Okay, I think that checks out. You can choose the order that you trigger simultaneous events. Both Raven-Pennon Bearer and revealing a dial happen when a unit activates, but you can use Raven first, then before you reveal a dial you can spend an inspiration token to ready Raven.

15 minutes ago, WWHSD said:

The timing of spending the Inspiration token is relative to revealing the dial, not to the unit's activation. When you choose to resolve something, you then resolve all of it's related triggers. Effects resolves one at a time and nothing is simultaneous.

"Before revealing its command tool" happens during "when a unit activates" and not "before a unit activates".

I was trying to put this into words myself and I think you've got most of it. There seems to be a "hidden" part of the activation phase, when initiative numbers are called out and a player must announce that he has a unit with a matching initiative, possibly choosing between several units with the same order/initiative and then alternating with the other player.

I think the moment you announce/choose a unit it's activated, which is when you'd exhaust Raven Banner if you're adjusting initiative. Then you go down the list of activation steps and you have a window "before" revealing your command tool to spend an Inspiration token.