I'd say, any game pretty much need a fighter. Someone that has high Strenght, and everyone drop their best fight items to him.
Also a support, but I am not sure what the role should fill really. Most games support turns out to be someone with high influence and more dedicated to buying necessary items early.
Secondary, the importance of having a spell user! Supportive spells are a HUGE deal! And since there are so many things giving bonuses to spell casting, I feel there is a need to have your support being good at lore.
Then a gate closer/objective hunter. Someone usually good at lore+observation+will. Since it seems lore+observation are the most common in completing clue encounters and lore+will for gate closing. And it always seem that someone need to be 100% focused on gate closing unless you want to drop 3 on the doom track at a bad time.
I was thinking something like:
3 players: Fighter + gate closer + support
4 players: 2 Fighters + gate closer + support
5 players: 2 Fighters + 2 gate closers + support
What are your thoughts on this, I haven't figured out much about optimal role distribution. But it sure sucks when you don't have someone that can pretty much guarantee any item at any time when they show up, and having expensive items rack up is pretty bad, and discarding to cycle them is time consuming and you don't progress for your spent actions doing so.
Edited by ishinken